Fandom/Universe: Ternion, Naruto, SHWC, Downfall, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, Hey Arnold!, Kingdom Hearts
Character(s): Taran, Nor, Calvin, Jeanette, Mina, Hinata, Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Ophelia, Ripp, Lenne, Sally, Tails, Bunnie, Ash, Misty, Duplica, Bruno, Erika, Giselle, Helga, Arnold, Amy (OC), Trinity (OC)
So we bottled and shelved all our regrets - let them ferment and came back to our senses. Drove back home and slept a few days. Woke up and laughed at how stupid we used to be. )
Comments 25
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I love sharing! I seriously sketch about a thousand things that never go anywhere, but I feel I ought to show them, because otherwise they just sit and rot and I LIKE a lot of them.
Jessie/James! I loved them too! Like, I could be 73 and totally losing my mind and I'd still be like: "GODDAMN - Ash and Misty were totally rockin' together."
I agree - Ash came out all hot in that sketch.
I KNOW. Also! Arnold's nose is no peach either. I guess that's why most of the H/A kisses on the show were very exaggerated and cartoony (also because they're nine and watching nine year olds have emotionally charged kisses is kind of weird).
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I really like Lenne. I also had a character much like that. She was a princess on a different planet, which was actually inside the shared mindspace of me and my cousin. It's such a little girl fantasy. (Of course, we later orchestrated the cataclysmic destruction of that universe).
The Ripp/Ophelia is just *sigh* It was a nice way to start my morning.
That's so cool! I think everyone sort of has that 'Other Them' that they've created in their minds. Lenne is basically a sort of superhero who has to travel across different worlds/time and lend a hand in fighting evil. Except she has to be careful to not take up the limelight, because she isn't supposed to be remembered by many people in the other verses. Also she goes crazy at one point and almost destroys her own world. She gets better!
I was thinking of you when I drew it! I know you love them so.
I do adore them together. ^_^
Haha, I actually constantly keep the chins in mind. I'm always like: "THIS CHIN IS NOT MANLY ENOUGH." and then I man it up.
And I don't know why, but Ripp's bare tootsie in that last pic is all <3 for me.
I agree. I do adore that foot.
And I think everyone has at least 1 ship that makes NO freaking sense but they love anyway. (Mine's Robert Chase/Eric Foreman. I started reading them because, "what? Forman hates him!", but the ones I've read work better than House/Wilson and that's practically canon. Weird.)
Girls are sooooooooo much more fun to draw. I think it's the hips. Hips are fun! <3
Haha, I agree. Sometimes OTPs sort of come out of nowhere and make you go: "What IS this? Well, IDK, but I LIKE IT!"
Also, I don't watch House so my first thought was who the hell is Robert Chase? And why is he dating Eric from That 70's Show? WHAT?
Agreed! Girls are just curvy and pretty and you can make them wear flowy dresses and they actually fill them out well!
hahaha. when i applied to maryland institue college of art, and they looked at my sketchbook, they were like "you draw a lot of girls...A LOT of girls..." and i do. i just like to. sue me.
beeeeeyyyoooooteeeeful art, as usual.
I am determined to get really good at drawing kisses even if it kills me! I SWEAR TO GOD.
Lol! Awesome! Girls are like 5000 times more interesting to draw then boys.
Thank you!!!
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