I know! I had a bunch already and then the other day I decided to go and make all those icons from the actual HA! episodes and so I had even more.
The graphic icons that I drew of the HA! characters were actually meant for this one roleplay I was involved with, but it's kind of died down at this point so I figured it'd be cool to share them.
I also like that one just because of the triangle nature of the picture and how it pretty much sums up a lot of the HA! relationship-line. Helga is smug and awesome and all "YOU ALL SHOULD BE LOOKING AT ME NOW." but Arnold, even though he's closer to her than he realizes is looking away at Ruth who is facing the opposite direction entirely.
Comments 10
Also, I now have a smug little toddler Johnny of my very own. He's so spoiled.
The graphic icons that I drew of the HA! characters were actually meant for this one roleplay I was involved with, but it's kind of died down at this point so I figured it'd be cool to share them.
I love smug!spoiled!Johnny. <3
(Also I like these.)
I also like that one just because of the triangle nature of the picture and how it pretty much sums up a lot of the HA! relationship-line. Helga is smug and awesome and all "YOU ALL SHOULD BE LOOKING AT ME NOW." but Arnold, even though he's closer to her than he realizes is looking away at Ruth who is facing the opposite direction entirely.
I'm really liking 71. <3
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