Cisgenered definition/origins:
Cisgender (cis-, "on this side of, not across;" compare cisatlantic, cisalpine) is a neologism meaning "not transgender," that is, having a gender identity or gender role that society considers appropriate for one's sex. The prefix cis- is pronounced like "sis".
The term was created by May of 1994 by Dana Leland Defosse. In April of 1996, Carl Buijs, a
transsexual man from the
Netherlands said in a
usenet posting "As for the origin; I just made it up". Along with the less commonly used cissexual, it originated as a way to shift the focus off of a marginalized group, by defining not only the minority group but also the majority. This is based upon the hypothesis that categorizing everyone will illustrate a difference between equal alternatives, whereas singling out the minority group implies some deviance, immorality, or defect on the part of the labeled group.
As this term has been thrown around here a lot as of late(and not very kindly I might add), I thought a discussion should ensue. Some more info you may or may not know, the "cisgenered woman" label to describe bio born females has also been termed "cissies" by various MTF communities and freinds thereof. Cissies of course implying "sissy", so without missing a beat in typical male/patriachal fashion, bio born females are yet again deemed weak and ineffectual(misogynist much?). Even used in its natural state cisgendered female is overwhelmingly an insult against bio born females, because of its desperate need to usurp our bio born natures. Seemingly this says to me, you can take the penis from the man, but you cannot take the "phallus" from the (M)male!