You take such pretty pictures! :D I especially like the fourth and fifth pictures, the camera flash reflection extra light in the fourth adds a really cool touch. 8D
XDD Thank you! :3 Taking pics of skies are really fun! I just hope it doesn't damage my camera lens.. I think I'm supposed to have a special filter for shooting bright lights head on. ^^;
LOL! I didn't realize it would be interpreted that way. Hahahaha XDD *slaps forehead* (It means quite the opposite actually.. QT-->quiet time-->read Bible) ^_^''') Although I suppose the place in its tranquil seclusion would be condusive to many other things too, lol. XD
Thanks. :) That place is just so gorgeously undeveloped that photos alone don't do justice to its beauty, but I try to capture it the best way I can. ^^
Comments 10
Mind if I steal them? *setals anyway*
Ah, I didn't have a V-day... didn't do anything special *sad*
It's okay, ayamama. Valentines is overrated anyway. We don't need men to be happy! That's what Gazette is for XD *huggles*
These pictures are really pretty, btw! Especially the sunset one.
QT-->cutie-->xxx thoughts-->XD
Seriously, though. I love the second picture (for its warmth and invitingness) and the spica one (for its colors and tranquility).
Thanks. :) That place is just so gorgeously undeveloped that photos alone don't do justice to its beauty, but I try to capture it the best way I can. ^^
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