Pax Gnomena - The Peace of Gnome

Apr 21, 2006 10:10

The Pax Gnomena is expanding, and yet some of the uncivilised cultures resist the Gnomes and their civilising influence. For campaign month the Place of Rant interviews a leading Gnome and asks her, "how we can help?"

Place of Rant: Welcome everyone, I'm so glad you could join us in the Place of Rant's studio five. Sitting opposite me in the studio today is Gnome Senate member Glottlestop. Glottlestop, thanks for joining us.
Glottlestop: No, thank you for giving me this opportunity to spread the word and update your readers on the progress of Pax Gnomena.
Believe it or not, some of our readers are unfamiliar with the Pax Gnomena; would you like to explain what it is for their benefit?
Right, I'll do that then shall I?
Pax Gnomena translates from Gnomish as "The Peace of Gnome". [Transcribers note: For the linguists in the readership, I can confirm that the Gnomish language descends from Latin.] This Peace of Gnome refers to the civilising influence that Gnome culture has on other less enlightened cultures. This civilising process brings many advances to the culture that the Gnomes are helping, such as technology, roads and most importantly peace. Sadly not all of the less advanced cultures understand what this means and resist the Gnomes and their influence. That is why Glottlestop is here with us today. Glottlestop, can you explain more about the fairy situation?
Yes I can Pete
my name is David
Sorry, I got you confused with another human, you do look alike. Back to task. As you know the races such as the trolls and gnolls have long accepted Pax Gnomena, and we have reached an 'understanding' with the more advanced dwarf clans. However, the Fairies wage open war against us. The Fairies are a barbarian race bred for fighting, they are fast, agile and have some... interesting magical powers. They have also developed something they call "pixie dust". This enables them to fly with weights that far exceed what they should be able to manage with their wings or apparent physical strength.
When we first encountered the Fairies we were not prepared to the shear strength that the pixie dust gave them. A number of our best warriors were lost when the Fairies picked them up and dropped them from a great hight.
So, what are you doing about it?
We have managed to obtain a sample of the "pixie dust". Whilst we have not determined how the extra strength comes about; we have determined that it also give all Gnomes the ability to fly if they think happy thoughts about the day when Pax Gnomena is complete and total. At the moment we have a small, elite, flying unit but we hope to expand it. But to do that we need more pixie dust!
So how can my readers help the Gnomes in bringing Pax Gnomena to the Fairies?
We need to learn how to synthesise the pixie dust. We have tried to obtain the information from Fairies we have caught thanks to our loyal spider legions, but those Fairies won't talk. Clearly we need a Fairy to give up the information willingly. Fairies seem to trust humans more than us Gnomes. If your readers can trick a fairy they meet into giving up the secrets of pixie dust it would greatly help the expansion of Pax Gnomena.
Well there you have it; can you help the Gnomes learn the secret of pixie dust? If so, you can help to bring about the day when the Peace of Gnome is enjoyed by all.
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