Title: Something to Talk About pt XIV Rating: PG/PG-13 Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue... Summary: Mistaking a not pregnant person for a pregnant person was always embarrassing for everyone.
You are such a tease. There's a line from my other favorite fandom, said by the woman who never dreamed of having children, that three is not such a scary number.
:D And the sparks were flying! Maybe we get to see them get a little naughty...? >:)
appropriate icon is appropriate! Sorry about the teasing! I debated being less vague at the end but I decided vague would be more fun (for me)... No, three isn't too bad...
Comments 2
:D And the sparks were flying! Maybe we get to see them get a little naughty...? >:)
lol, I'll have to see what I can do about that...
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