[+] I need to update my icons, and my default icon of Daryl cradling Beth's lifeless body was so depressing, so I changed it out. HAVE NO FEAR, I AM STILL EMOTIONALLY VOMITING (OR AT LEAST DRY HEAVING) BETH GREENE SEVERAL TIMES A DAY. But in the meantime, for your viewing pleasure, enjoy the beautiful Sonequa Martin-Greene and her glorious pink
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Comments 21
And I'm gonna do the big bang. In honor of her. I have no idea what, but I'll figure that out later.
3. I think she has sort of an Every Girl quality that makes her relatable, but she is nicer than me. By a lot. And yes, she has effected me emotionally many times over the years.
4. I really don't know the 'fandom' all that well. I heard that it could be kind of crazy, so I just mainly kept to my f-list when discussing the show. The show itself? I've liked I a lot, and loved it at times, and really, REALLY loved it when I watched the first season-and-a-half in a rabid week.
5. I really have loved pretty much all of her relationships. Elena and her brother (and not in my usual Queen family way), Elena and Grayson and especially Miranda, oh my god. Elena and Alaric. And yeah, they had that bad!dirty!wrong! quality but also this very honest, pure thing between them that was like a hybrid of parent/child and sibling, and at different times, it ( ... )
The Caroline/Matt/Tyler stuff is my *favorite* stuff (even though it didn't go the way I wanted it to).
BradyOliver makes Tyler take him to Elena's parents' cabin to kill her only Tyler doesn't know that so Stefan rips Brady's heart out and Tyler is like I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T BE LIKE THIS and Elena hugs him.
I don't remember this at all? I remember Stephen Amell dating Bonnie for like two episodes though?
I'm pretty sure that I will do a full series rewatch this summer...or maybe...I should do it now, so I can rewatch TWD all summer if I'm going to do Beth for het_bigbang...
So I'm curious about your Lori answers to this meme :D
1. I love her. I just think she's a generally good person. I really don't understand anyone's problem with her.
2. In the beginning, yes. I feel like the show is in a very different place now. But even so, if you still consider Rick to be the first lead (I do), she's absolutely integral and still present to his character.
3. Yes, I relate to her quite a bit. We didn't get to see Lori really adapt to the ZA- she didn't have time to. But I think that she is how most/many people would be. And I swear, Judith's birth scene is one of the most horrible, devastating things I've ever seen. (And sidenote, I appreciated Maggie's throwaway line, let's get your pants off. I swear, in every television birth I'd ever seen, no matter the circumstances and no matter what the woman was wearing, there was always a convenient coat or blanket to discreetly drape over her legs ( ... )
Ohhh that's such a good point about the Maggie line during the birth scene. And I so agree- that was one of the most horrible things in a tv show :( And yes- agree so well with what you're saying at 1 :D
1. LOVED her. Psychotically loved her.
2. She's pretty much the main character.
3. I don't really relate to her. This show's characters aren't actually very relatable. But I definitely cried with her a whole heck of a lot.
4. I never really set foot in the fandom.
5. I shipped her with *everyone*. Literally everyone they ever put in front of her (even the more minor boys like Lord Marcus). The NJBC, that is one of my favorite relationships of all time. And Blair/Serena, that was the show's OTP. And it transcended romance, or sexual desire, but those two were each other's *guts*.
6. Ah, the 'wacky hijinx' of s6. I think it was put in for fan fodder, but she had just grown so far beyond that by then.
8. Yes. Without crunching the numbers, I think it would be safe to say that she'd be in my Top 10 of Female Characters.
I need my own personal icon-maker person!! Otherwise desperate things like me trying to make my own sometimes happens. Rarely with desirable results!
They set me up for disappointment. Story of my life!!
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