I'm about to settle in for a long autumn's nap, so I can wake up at midnight and write for an hour or two to celebrate the start of NaNo!!! (that's how it sounds in my head, like Oprah's shouting it), but before I do, some housekeeping things...
1) If you haven't checked out the
John Mayer/Taylor Swift friending meme, please do so. I swear, if I just keep flinging the idea in all of your faces, you will eventually come around.
2) I was at my dad's house earlier, and Evan Almighty was on tv while I was making salad. My dad walked into the room and went, "Ah! Gilmore Girls!"
3) I haven't talked about this really because I've
been distracted but in addition to losing my mind over John/Taylor, I've also
Like, why isn't there a huge, thriving fandom for them, given the ENDLESS RPF shipping opportunities? Some youtube of prettiness to give your eyes a break from the John/Taylor:
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*I swear, when Jonathan and Anna are waltzing, there may as well not be anyone else in the world
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*check out Karina's swan dive off the stairs!!
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*my two favorites; I think they have the absolute most chemistry when dancing together...if I 'ship' anyone in this world, it's them
And finally, look who it is!
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I kind of went overboard with that, didn't I? I tend to do that.
4) Punch and Pie
...I guess that's it for now. T-5 to NaNo!!!