The Itsy-Bitsy Spider Can Suck It

Jul 28, 2010 19:53

Title: The Itsy-Bitsy Spider Can Suck It
Author: lennoxave
Pairing,Character(s): Kurt, Finn
Rating: G
Word Count: 802
Spoilers: Season 1, I guess
Summary: In which Kurt discovers that Finn is afraid of bugs.  Hudmel brothers fluff.

The Itsy-Bitsy Spider Can Suck It
One of the hazards of living in a basement is that bugs occasionally make their way into your room. Kurt had long ago made peace with this fact; it was a small price to pay for the privacy of having a whole floor of the house all to himself. He just kept an old pair of running shoes--from his seventh-grade gym class--underneath his bed and designated them his bug-killing shoes. Whenever he saw an insect, it was just THWACK, a little clean-up, and he could go on with his life.

When Finn and his mother had moved back into the house, he hadn't thought to mention it to Finn. Finn was a football player, right? He was used to being outside and dealing with disgusting stuff. It wasn't like he would freak out or anything.

“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.” Finn's eyes were glued to a spot on the wall as he cowered behind Kurt's vanity (the final basement decorating compromise between the two boys had been to restore their room to the all-white look). Kurt, just home from summer Cheerios practice, ran down the stairs at the sound of Finn's panicked voice.

“What is it? What's wrong?”

“Th-the, the wall,” Finn stammered, pointing to the far side of the room. Kurt squinted, but he couldn't see anything. He made a mental note to get his eyes checked soon.

“I don't know-”

“Get closer. If you can handle it.” It wasn't a threat. Finn was kneeling there shaking behind the vanity, and he seemed genuinely concerned about Kurt's well-being. Kurt walked about halfway across the room, and then he saw it. There was a daddy-longlegs on the wall.

Kurt paused. He looked at Finn, then back at the spider, then at Finn again. “Finn?” he said, somewhat incredulously. “It's a spider.”

“Well, yeah!” Finn's eyes grew wide. “Why did you think I was hiding back here?”

“It's a spider, Finn.”

“I know! It has so many legs!”

Kurt rolled his eyes and walked over to his bed to get a bug-killing shoe.

“Wha-what are you doing?” Finn asked, still terrified.

“I'm going to kill it,” Kurt said. “Unless, I suppose, you want me to trap it and release it outside?”

Finn shook his head vehemently. “No, kill it, kill it. I just . . .” he looked up at Kurt with a sheepish expression on his face. “I usually wait and get my mom to kill spiders for me.”

“You wait for her?” Finn nodded, returning his gaze to the spider on the wall. “What if she's at work? Gone for hours?”

“Then I trap it. Under a cup. Until she gets home.”

“If it's on the wall?”

“You'd be surprised what duct tape can hold in place.”

Kurt just stared at Finn. His eyebrows could not possibly have been raised any higher. Finn chanced a look away from the spider to check Kurt's reaction. Embarrassment crossed his face as he looked back. Kurt sighed inwardly. He hadn't wanted to make Finn feel bad, but really? Trapping a spider underneath a cup? Waiting for his mother? It was so . . . undignified. Kurt smiled to himself a little bit. Well, he thought, there's the last nail in the coffin of that crush.

“Look,” he said carefully to Finn, “I don't mind killing spiders. We get them down here sometimes. Other bugs, too. Earwigs, ladybugs, the occasional centipede . . .” he stopped his list when he saw Finn's eyes bulging out of his head. “Anyway, I don't mind killing them, so if you need someone to do it for you . . . just let me know.” He smiled at Finn.

“You're sure?”

“Yes. We'll even get you . . . like, a bug-trapping cup. You can keep it by your bed so it's always easily accessible.” Kurt thought for a moment. “But don't put duct-tape on my walls. It's hell on the paint and I don't want to have to keep touching things up.”

“That's fair. I'll figure something else out.”

“Good. Okay. I'll deal with this one now.” Kurt picked up his shoe, walked over to the wall, and smashed the spider. “See? Everything's taken care of. No worries.”

“Awesome.” Finn stood up from his cowering place. “Thanks. And, uh . . .”

“Yes?” Kurt asked.

“If you could, um, not mention this to the guys? I'd really appreciate it.”

“Of course not,” Kurt replied. The guys would give him hell for it. But, Kurt thought, I wonder how Finn would react if I told the girls . . .

kurt, gleefic, finn

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