Art for Feathers and Claws

Nov 03, 2016 21:52

Here is the art I made for themegalosaurus' fic Feathers and Claws. for the quicky_bang challenge.

Fic summary: "You're doing it wrong," Sam wants to say, but the devil in his mouth won't let him.
Fic Wordcount: 893

I was going for a Rennaissance-style biblical tragedy... not sure how successful I was on that, but I am really pleased with how it turned out.

The full image:

{Edit} I realised too late that his leg is waaay too short, so here's a cropped version:

I will miss his lil' green converse though.

Thank you to themegalosaurus for writing such a wonderful, chilling fic! And thank you for the quicky_bang mods for organising everything for us writers and artists!

hurt!sam, art, quicky_bang

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