Title: Red and Blue
lenarix_klindeCharacter(s) or Pairing(s): England/France, America, Canada, Seychelles
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Emotional abuse, self-injury, dysfunctional family, character death
Summary: England finds out Canada cuts. He does not take it well. Then things get worse. Written to deal with a real-life event that happened to me
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Comments 3
I think what's the most heartbreaking about this story is that no one seems able to reach out to each other, as if Arthur's technique has been to divide and conquer. Speaking of Arthur, I love how detail oriented he is in this, and how he used them in such a predatory manner. It's very manipulative, and it makes me stomach hurt, and makes me want to punch the guy's lights out, but it's very effective.
I think the best part of this story is how ironic it is that Matthew is the only one who stayed behind, but he's dead. It's like, the one who Arthur hurt the most decides to stay with him, but ironically, he stays with him dead. Still, I wonder if perhaps Francis actually took Alfred away with him? I mean, if Francis was going to run away, he would have wanted to take Alfred and Matthew too, right? Still, I'm probably over-thinking this... ^^"
Although I'm no fan of evil Arthur, this story is really so emotional and poignant. I mean, I can imagine every single thing happening here, the fear, the anger, the hurt... <3
No matter what happens, remember that you are an awesome person, and that all your fans love you~ :D
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