[Tales of Symphonia: Knights of Ratatosk] 1sentence challenge (Emil/Marta)

Jan 02, 2009 23:13

Fandom: Tales of Symphonia: Knights of Ratatosk
Pairing: Emil Castagnier x Marta Lualdi
Theme set: Epsilon
Rating: G to R
Warning[s]: Sex, fluff, angst, diabeetus, SPOILERS for all three endings
Disclaimer: Namco lets me play with them as long as I give ‘em back.

#01 - Motion
She’s quicksilver on the battlefield, and sometimes he’s not sure whether the heat in his blood is Ratatosk’s or his own.

#02 - Cool
It wasn’t until Zelos started the “cold shower” jokes that Emil realized that hiding in the bathroom after the entire hot springs ordeal might have been stupid.

#03 - Young
Emil knew she didn’t care that they were young; if Marta believed they were meant for each other, that was that.

#04 - Last
Ratatosk knew she’d be the last to leave, but that only made every other goodbye even more painful.

#05 - Wrong
Marta was dead and he had killed her and oh God it was all so wrong.

#06 - Gentle
Marta woke one day to the feel of fingertips brushing hair out of her face, the touch soft as a breeze; she lay there, feigned sleep, and fell a little harder.

#07 - One
Sometimes she wishes she could go back to her solitary existence; then she hears his voice in her dreams, feels his steps in the wind, and knows that she’s not alone, even if they’re separated by an impenetrable seal.

#08 - Thousand
And even if they’re back-to-back against the entire Vanguard and its supporters, she knows he won’t run away, at least not anymore.

#09 - King
Emil watches Marta dress herself from the bed, observing a side few others get to see, and he thinks that with her straight back and focused gaze, it’s possible to believe she’s descended from royalty.

#10 - Learn
They touch, feel, learn, and adapt; their relationship is an amateur’s dance, but one that grows surer with every step.

#11 - Blur
Every night he holds Marta close and thanks Ratatosk for separating from him, because now he has the body to enjoy her presence and a clear memory of their times together.

#12 - Wait
Marta hesitated a moment, and in that one second before she took Ratatosk’s life she actually saw Emil.

#13 - Change
Change is never easy, but she thinks of Emil’s transformation from hesitant boy to knight of Ratatosk, and somehow that keeps her going.

#14 - Command
Emil feels Ratatosk’s last command to him as they separate: Take care of her for the both of us.

#15 - Hold
Her bare skin feels good against his; Emil pulls her to him, closes the curtains, and decides to sleep a little longer.

#16 - Need
“I didn’t need you to live or anything,” she’d tell him years later, “but when I saw you on that bridge, I realized how nice it would be to spend my life with you.”

#17 - Vision
Lloyd admires how simple Emil’s wishes seem; he wishes he had a pure, honest wish like that, a mission as simple as protecting the one he loved most.

#18 - Attention
He always lingers for a bit, kissing and stroking; Marta’s sensitive there, and he loves the sounds she makes - and her frustrated squirming amuses him.

#19 - Soul
She catches a glimpse of something in his eyes and tries to look closer, but suddenly she’s kissing him, and that’s all right, too.

#20 - Picture
Pictures of the two of them cover Iselia schoolhouse’s walls now, too.

#21 - Fool
Marta wishes she could tell him that she was the fool, for being unable to see Emil underneath his Ratatosk façade and being unable to avoid his death.

#22 - Mad
Looking back, she wasn’t annoyed when he lashed out at her for not seeing who he was; it served as a wake-up call and helped her find the man she loves today.

#23 - Child
He looks at Marta and wonders if he can be a good father to their coming child; she catches his eye and smiles, and he knows he’ll be all right.

#24 - Now
They may someday look back and reminisce, but for now they simply look forward, day by day, and welcome the simple pleasures the new days bring.

#25 - Shadow
They both miss Tenebrae, but sitting in the shadows and watching the moon rise helps.

#26 - Goodbye
Marta thought that no goodbye was more painful than seeing Ratatosk’s core glinting in front of her.

#27 - Hide
She loves that he doesn’t curl inside himself anymore when he’s confronted.

#28 - Fortune
They didn’t have a lot, but for the time being they didn’t need it.

#29 - Safe
Marta put her confidence in Emil because she trusted that he’d protect her no matter what.

#30 - Ghost
Some nights when she looks into his eyes she thinks she sees a brief flash of something red and fierce, and she feels warm because she knows they both love her; the least she can do is make sure Ratatosk is not forgotten.

#31 - Book
Emil didn’t realize that Marta’s recipe book was actually just a book with a Wonder Chef recipe on it until he opened it to a random page and saw the…pictures.

#32 - Eye
His gaze is spring sunshine, warm and constant but comfortable against her back.

#33 - Never
And as she kissed him in the Palmacoastan sun, she swore she’d never take his presence for granted ever again.

#34 - Sing
She thinks she’ll enchant Emil with her sultry, sexy singing voice; she ends up breaking all the glass in the Church of Martel instead.

#35 - Sudden
The impact of what he’s done doesn’t hit him until she’s stopped breathing.

#36 - Stop
She doesn’t realize until that moment that he’s hasn’t been defeated; he’s simply ceased to fight.

#37 - Time
The thought of a thousand years exhausts her; the thought of her life being a drop in the bucket to Emil brings tears to her eyes.

#38 - Wash
They didn’t wear matching blue clothes until the unfortunate day Marta tried to do the laundry.

#39 - Torn
Emil doesn’t mind if she accidentally tears his clothes in her enthusiasm; she always promises to fix them, but he kind of likes the little reminders.

#40 - History
He’s steeped in countless years of mystery, but she doesn’t care; Emil is Emil, after all.

#41 - Power
The main difference in their personalities is that Ratatosk wants to conquer the world, while Emil just wants to make sure Marta doesn’t steal his blankets at night.

#42 - Bother
Marta drools on his chest at night; he doesn’t say anything about it, but it is kind of gross.

#43 - God
When they kiss, her eyes flutter closed and she thanks Martel for this blessing of a soulmate she has in her life.

#44 - Wall
She has him backed against a wall, and without thinking he lashes out at her; he speaks the truth, but the look in her eyes wounds him.

#45 - Naked
She’s shy as she lets her bra fall away and steps out of her panties; her arms splay across her torso, as though to hide herself, and it’s Emil that takes her arm and guides her to the bed.

#46 - Drive
Emil fights his hardest against Marta and Lloyd because he wants to save the world and cleanse himself; ultimately, he is not strong enough.

#47 - Harm
His greatest weakness, the thread that unravels his carefully-laid plans, is that he cannot bring himself to harm a hair on Marta’s head.

#48 - Precious
The most precious thing she owns is the Balacruf Bracelet he gave her; when she bothers to think about it, she suddenly realizes she’s worn it longer than her marriage ring.

#49 - Hunger
The reality that he’s here makes Marta claw at Emil’s strong back; she looks at the ceiling and shuts her eyes, but it feels like it won’t ever be enough again.

#50 - Believe
Marta believed in Ratatosk, and so Emil placed his trust in him as well; he holds that trust’s reward close to his body as Palmacosta’s sun blesses them with light.

Author’s Endnotes: Goodness, it’s been a while since I’ve found a het pairing I’ve been so inspired by. I’ve got two pet ones - the other is Adell/Rozalin from Disgaea.

And you will probably be getting pregnant!Marta and expectantfather!Emil from me. Because I am a sap for dumb fluff and woobieness.

So that’s it, then. Comments/concrit/corrections are always appreciated and welcomed. If there's something you'd like to see me write full-blown ficcage about, let me know that, too! Thanks for reading! now if you’ll excuse me my tar and feathers from CF_Hardcore are waiting for me

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