It's been ages, hmmm? Well, I'm still alive, and I had a small brainwave of iconage, so this is only a teeny update, but an update is an update is an update. It's R/Hr, H/G, H/Hr, and one trio. There's more tree-lovin' than the rest--sorry about that, I always try to make it equal, but I couldn't think of much more for the rest. So, onward hooooo(e
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Comments 14
Teh icons: Well, two out of three are my squicks, and they are still so cool! My faves are 5 and 10... not saving any though. *dreams of a paid account or +100 userpics*
5 & 10 are the best but I'm only taking 5 cause six icons aren't enough for my greedy soul.
not taking any right now.
took a couple of your shoebox icons though.
was to lazy to make two comments though. i do apologize.
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