Title: Entwined Hearts
Pairing/Group: Juntoshi, Sakumoto, Ohno/Jun/Sho
Warnings: explicit sex scenes, BDSM, sex toys, barebacking, threesome
Summary: For the past few years, Jun is happy living together with Satoshi. Even with their frequent separation due to Satoshi's job, they somehow manage to make the relationship works for them. But when Jun
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Comments 14
I couldn't even finish reading... I stopped when Ohno arrived... with white cap... My heart stopped!!!
I am sure the ending was great, though! The plot really caught my interest!!!
Funny thing is that I read a fic last year where Sho found out that Jun enjoyed dp and then they asked Ohno to "help" them with a plus one... well... And I loved it!!! I really did!!!
But this one....
Oh, well, the perks of shipping, huh!
Thank you for sharing!!!
It wasn't my intention to make anyone suffer by reading this so I hope you are okay now? XD
So I assume you're a juntoshi fan? I've to assure you that Juntoshi in the end is still alive, they love each other so much after all.
by the way, thank you for all your comments, I appreciate your thoughts XD
Oh well l like it that they are a happy end!! Oh verry happy😁 thank you for sharing!!
I'd like to read your other stories can you add me plssss!!😄
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