Forgive me, but I don't get why people get their panties in a knot over affairs. It happens. People are sexual beings. See also: Bill Clinton. But yes, men (and women) should "Keep it in their pants" if their careers are at stake.
Do you have a fridge at work? I always bring some peanuts or sunflower seeds. Endamene beans also work, as do soy nuts if you like saltiness.
You watched parts of Day 6!Good for you. Haven't seen that for a few years. There's a deleted scene which has a longer version of the phone call between Jack and Bill just before Valencia gets nuked.
"I'm gonna need a hacksaw" remains a classic TV line.
Uh, well it's not so much that my pants are in a knot because two more dudes couldn't keep from boinking people who aren't their wives (although it pisses me off to no end -- if you don't want to be monogamous don't get married). There is an entire national security issue at stake here, and what I'm talking about is more the fact that men seem to have some sort of strange collective amnesia when it comes to this issue. It's as if, no matter how many people have gone down in flames over something EXACTLY LIKE THIS, they think it cannot happen to them. I find it psychologically fascinating, is all
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no matter how many people have gone down in flames over something EXACTLY LIKE THIS, they think it cannot happen to them. I find it psychologically fascinating, is all.
See also: Drug doping in sports. I'm looking at YOU, Lance Armstrong.
Once you have a fridge, drinkable yogurt is a option. I have yet to try kefir (The drink, that is, not the actor with a similar first name)
I guess I'm just way too much of an honorary Catholic to understand the pop (pun intended) of "getting away with something." I feel so bad for all the people who get dragged through neverending press coverage with this shit. Ugh.
BILLLLLLLLL. He is always cute but extra specially cute with Jack this season. His China guilt just oozes around everywhere and it's so adorable yet awful. Woe.
I like almonds or pistachios for protein-y snacks!
I barely remember S6 other than Jack in grey shirt and the finale because I actually really liked that finale? And ugh, Rena Sofer's acting. The worst.
I'm so sorry about The Civil Wars breaking up! That's so sad :( But I'm glad they at least gave you a Christmas song first.
One line that always pops into my head is "My husband dressed me in the finest clothes from Bergdorf Goodman, you see," from Parks and Rec when April, one of the characters, is roleplaying and pretending to be a rich widow/criminal. Also, for some reason, "THE H IS SILENT." There are tons of others but I can't think of them right now >.>
Hope you have a great Tuesday! ♥ 10 days to the Christmas season!
I have decided that my idea Parks and Rec experience is through tumblr, because unlike a lot of other shows that kind of make me want to kill everyone involved when they show up on my dash too much, Parks and Rec never fails to delight me. They're all just so adorable, and I love the hilarious .gifs and ADAM SCOTT'S FACE. So I figure it's perfect -- I don't have to watch and get too much sunshine and happiness for my Oscar the Grouch self, but I get just enough:)
Re: work snacks, if you're looking for a bar-type thing, larabars are pretty delicious once you get used to the texture. I think they're proteiny? Mostly though, I just snack on almonds and apples.
The line that always gets stuck in my head is "There is literally no one in the world I don't hate right now" which, wow, probably makes me sound super curmudgeonly.
I have never heard of a larabar! But you're the second person to suggest almonds, and that's an awesome idea. I can't really do apples here because they're too messy. Once I'm back in an office next semester, the snack issue will become a lot easier. Sometimes my own stupid blood sugar just annoys me, because what adult human can't go without eating for five hours? ME. Lame.
Hee, I actually really like that line. What's it from?
The line's from The West Wing! And I am right there with you on not being able to go several hours without food. I have days where I don't get to eat lunch til 1 or 2, and even with a snack, it's usually not pretty.
Man, it's the worst. And while I love my job, reading papers requires serious concentration. When my blood sugar starts slipping, I can just feel my ability to connect thoughts flying out the window. Oi.
I like nuts of all kinds as a snack, but this time of year I'm partial to walnuts with mandarin oranges. (I also like Bailey's to complete the Christmas snacking trifecta, but not at work, obviously.) I also like pumpkin seeds. I still have a pumpkin we didn't get around to carving, but I will take out the seeds, toss them in olive oil, salt and curry powder, and roast them on a cookie sheet. You can eat the shells and everything. Also, OMG, edamame are yummy, but not very good cold
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BAILEY'S. I need that at work on days like today:)
Pumpkin seeds are in fact delicious, although I think at our store they only sell the unsalted kind, and I am not that virtuous. My big issue at work right now is that I have neither a fridge nor a microwave available (I'll have both next semester, so it's a temporary problem), so I have to work within those boundaries. But hmmm. A rice cake with PB could be good too, huh?
I love how the head of the CIA got caught by the digital footprints of his e-mail.
Well I at least wasn't subject to Marilyn last night, although by the time I turned it off Jack was already talking to Graem, so it's all downhill from here. Hee. Mostly last night though I was just so sad, because Curtis is all up Jack's ass about Assad and poor Jack is all, "Dude, I was trying to be dead, wtf
( ... )
Mmmm... I just had some kale chips that I made. They turned out really well, if a bit too salty. I ran out of regular sea salt and used fleur de sel instead, which is larger and therefore more salty. Also, I have eggnogg in my coffee. Life is good.
Assad's death really pissed me off, because a) Jack had finally killed the handsome black agent Curtis to save him, and b) I was really looking forward to looking at Assad for most of the season. Stupid PTB. The best thing about S6 was that it and xbedhead gave me this icon.
Rice cakes with PB or cream cheese could be yum. I also like sugar snap peas with or without dip.
You could also bring some frosted shredded wheat. I love that stuff. I like the kind that is like cinnamon bun. Although I think it's much better with milk. Anyway, that stuff is high in protein and fiber.
I can't get over this scandal. Seriously, it makes our CIA sound like fucking Days of our Lives, only worse.
Are you trying to tell me that season 6 had content?
I am a bit skeptical of that combination, but not unwilling at least to give it a try. Hmm, frosted shredded wheat is delicious, but yeah without milk I'm not sure. It's really good for you though.
Ugh, it's like Days of Our Lives, only the people aren't attractive. UGH, just stop, morons.
Bwah, unfortunately S6 has a whole LOT of content that I didn't remember. Yes, it's still crazy random and like, there is so much bad. But beyond Jack looking fucking amazing no matter how shitty his life is, there is all the Audrey stuff and him killing Curtis and like, GOD A. The entire time they keep doing closeups of his hand and it's so scarred. I just need ALL ZEE FIC in which he's fine and Renee is there and his life doesn't suck, because it breaks my heart in two. Audrey last night was just. ghieraos;hgire;sghirueslhfuerlisgfuierghfilseurls
OMG I totally forgot about so much of s6, that his hand was scarred and all the Curtis stuff and how broken he is and OMG THE WIBBLES. I need all zee fic, too!
Comments 25
Do you have a fridge at work? I always bring some peanuts or sunflower seeds. Endamene beans also work, as do soy nuts if you like saltiness.
You watched parts of Day 6!Good for you. Haven't seen that for a few years. There's a deleted scene which has a longer version of the phone call between Jack and Bill just before Valencia gets nuked.
"I'm gonna need a hacksaw" remains a classic TV line.
See also: Drug doping in sports. I'm looking at YOU, Lance Armstrong.
Once you have a fridge, drinkable yogurt is a option. I have yet to try kefir (The drink, that is, not the actor with a similar first name)
"Come back to CTU. We'll talk." Oh, Bill.
BILLLLLLLLL. He is always cute but extra specially cute with Jack this season. His China guilt just oozes around everywhere and it's so adorable yet awful. Woe.
I barely remember S6 other than Jack in grey shirt and the finale because I actually really liked that finale? And ugh, Rena Sofer's acting. The worst.
I'm so sorry about The Civil Wars breaking up! That's so sad :( But I'm glad they at least gave you a Christmas song first.
One line that always pops into my head is "My husband dressed me in the finest clothes from Bergdorf Goodman, you see," from Parks and Rec when April, one of the characters, is roleplaying and pretending to be a rich widow/criminal. Also, for some reason, "THE H IS SILENT." There are tons of others but I can't think of them right now >.>
Hope you have a great Tuesday! ♥ 10 days to the Christmas season!
Leslie on her Unity Quilt: "Of all my metaphorical art projects, this is by far the coziest."
The line that always gets stuck in my head is "There is literally no one in the world I don't hate right now" which, wow, probably makes me sound super curmudgeonly.
Hee, I actually really like that line. What's it from?
Pumpkin seeds are in fact delicious, although I think at our store they only sell the unsalted kind, and I am not that virtuous. My big issue at work right now is that I have neither a fridge nor a microwave available (I'll have both next semester, so it's a temporary problem), so I have to work within those boundaries. But hmmm. A rice cake with PB could be good too, huh?
I love how the head of the CIA got caught by the digital footprints of his e-mail.
Well I at least wasn't subject to Marilyn last night, although by the time I turned it off Jack was already talking to Graem, so it's all downhill from here. Hee. Mostly last night though I was just so sad, because Curtis is all up Jack's ass about Assad and poor Jack is all, "Dude, I was trying to be dead, wtf ( ... )
Assad's death really pissed me off, because a) Jack had finally killed the handsome black agent Curtis to save him, and b) I was really looking forward to looking at Assad for most of the season. Stupid PTB. The best thing about S6 was that it and xbedhead gave me this icon.
Rice cakes with PB or cream cheese could be yum. I also like sugar snap peas with or without dip.
You could also bring some frosted shredded wheat. I love that stuff. I like the kind that is like cinnamon bun. Although I think it's much better with milk. Anyway, that stuff is high in protein and fiber.
I can't get over this scandal. Seriously, it makes our CIA sound like fucking Days of our Lives, only worse.
Are you trying to tell me that season 6 had content?
Ugh, it's like Days of Our Lives, only the people aren't attractive. UGH, just stop, morons.
Bwah, unfortunately S6 has a whole LOT of content that I didn't remember. Yes, it's still crazy random and like, there is so much bad. But beyond Jack looking fucking amazing no matter how shitty his life is, there is all the Audrey stuff and him killing Curtis and like, GOD A. The entire time they keep doing closeups of his hand and it's so scarred. I just need ALL ZEE FIC in which he's fine and Renee is there and his life doesn't suck, because it breaks my heart in two. Audrey last night was just. ghieraos;hgire;sghirueslhfuerlisgfuierghfilseurls
OMG I totally forgot about so much of s6, that his hand was scarred and all the Curtis stuff and how broken he is and OMG THE WIBBLES. I need all zee fic, too!
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