Title: Five Things Renee Wears That Make Jack Crazy
Summary: I'm pretty sure the title covers it.
Word Count: ~1600
adrenalin211 and I have 400 AUs, but in this particular AU Jack and Renee have a daughter, the result of a birth control snafu. If family and/or babyfic is not your thing, you will certainly be wanting to move along.
A/N: I'm putting
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Comments 33
More later. I'm proud of you.
Hey, nice icon:P
I've missed your fic writing.
My most cherished relationships are friendships. I've kept my friends longer than my romantic partners. I actually consider my current Boyfriend as a friend I get snuggly with. And that was more information than you needed!
Friendships are the best. I actually wish there was so much more friendship fic out there that wasn't slash. That would be amazing, you know? Thanks for reading:)
I agree with pretty much everything you said there. It's not as if I feel that people should have to sign some document in order to be friends with someone, pledging their eternal commitment to that friendship. But this article does highlight the fact that precisely because there isn't a blood connection or a romantic connection or whatever, it's just easier for us as a society to let friendships go. It's hard to do a good job of maintaining most relationships with people, and friendships are just another type of relationship, so. Wow I'm deep like the ocean today. I think overall it's back to trying to remember what I consider the central rule of life, which is absolutely the Golden Rule. Do onto others. And all that. ♥
I agree that it's easier for us to let friendships go. I mean, there's no obligation there to stick around, and even if there were, society doesn't support it. So for instance, you (the global you) would be called out on canceling with family in order to hang out with a group of gal friends, except there's no reason on earth why your family is necessarily more worthy of your company and time. And yet!
Save me.
I'm sort of split in terms of agreement with what you said about friends vs. family. I do think that, especially when you have small children, there is a degree of responsibility that you have that does not in fact extend to friends, largely on account of the fact that you did not make your friends. I know that babies are a huge source of discord between people who have them and people who don't, and while I'm super sympathetic toward a childless friend who just wants her friend with a baby to go out to dinner once a month, I'm also super sympathetic to the friend with the kid, who probably hasn't slept in six months and has 12 loads of laundry sitting on her bedroom floor.
That came out a little longer than I meant it to, lulz. You know what I mean. Once your kids get older though, absolutely people should make time for friends.
And eek. Good luck with the debate-watching tonight!
Argh, debate, politics, please let this be finished. I haven't looked at the news headlines this morning and I'm not sure I'm ready to. One more sip of my coffee that is now laced with pumpkin eggnog:)
one month until Thanksgiving, which is then followed by the official start of the Christmas season. *flails*
I have a lot of thoughts on that friendship article, too, but I don't feel articulate enough to express them at the moment. Mostly it just made me really sad.
I forgot the final debate was tonight *fails* I was at Jess's house marathoning S4 of Breaking Bad (which was unsurprisingly soulcrushing).
Hope you have a good Tuesday ♥
OMG A MONTH FROM TODAY IS THE CHRISTMAS SEASON. I uploaded the Jack for Christmas icon in honor of that:)
Yeah, that article was pretty depressing, wasn't it? I hate stuff that just feels so painful and true when you read it, but I still think it's probably a good idea to stop and think about it every now and then.
Argh, Breaking Bad. I know even from the few .gifs I've seen on tumblr that you are much braver than I am to watch that show. You have a great Tuesday, too! ♥
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