
Jul 09, 2007 12:39

So, Im listening to Classical 102.1 and today's "Lunchbox" question was something along the lines of "According to Men's Health Magazine, name one of the top 6 sports that men find women irresistable when they are skilled in it. The top is volleyball, so something other than volleyball will get you 2 tickets to (some concert in San Fransisco)" The top 6 included


There are a few topics I thought strange about this question.

First of all, let me get this small little annoyance out of the way. Noone is irrisistable purely due to abilities in a sport. You can be a champion volleyball, tennis, soccer, gymnastics, running, surfer girl thing and if you are ass ugly, stupid, and a bitch, im sorry, but you aren't gonna be seeing too many guys. Now that were through with that we can go with m main topic of discussion.

When I thought of answering this question, I immediately thought of gymnastics. But then I thought to myself, "Is gymnastics considered a sport?" Those of you are gymnasts will definately say yes. However I have been through this conversation a million times with a shitload of different people. As a matter of fact, I think I posted in this journal in the past about it. But Im too lazy to look for it. So, I will try remember my conclusions on the definition of a sport. Now let me remind you that these are MY opinions and you can care or not care. These are rules that have been made up over time by me, peers, and other random people.

Rule #1: If you can do it alone, its not a sport.
This means shit like running, swimming, gymnastics, and other like sports. However, you may think "I can play bastketball by myself." No you cant. What you are doing is not basketball. You are practicing basketball. You are not keeping score, you are not being challenged except by your own inability or stupidity, and you are not being judged in any way.

Now why is this a rule? Because a sport comes about by competition. But if its possible to do it yourself, no competition is occuring. Even though you can participate in this activity with others, the fact remains that if you put a wall in between you guys, nothing has changed your original plan.

Rule #2: It cannot be choreographed.
This means activities like gymnastics and ballet. This kinda overlaps with rule #1. If you can practice the same thing over and over and then be judged on that one same thing you have been practicing for 4 years and complete it successfully, congratulations! You win! There is no need to show someone what you did 1000 times already. If gymnastics allowed the opposing team to throw baseballs at you while you were performing, maybe it would be a sport.

Rule #3: There has to be some sort of ball or 3rd party object involved.
There needs to be some form of interaction between the 2+ players. That means wrestling is not a sport. Boxing is not a sport. These activities are there for people's amusement of people trying to kill each other. If these activities are sports, then so is that shit you watch on the Discovery Channel when you watch the lion try and take down the antelope.

Rule #4: Needs to be physically challenging for an extended period of time.
In other words, gotta increase your heartrate for more than, lets say, 15 seconds. This means activities like billiards and golf. If it doesn't make you tired after you do it, its not a sport. No offense to the overweight, but if it doesn't require physical endurance, it means pretty much any fat fuck that can hit a ball can do it. And in my definition of a sport, there cant be fat people doing it. Sorry, but its my rules, so deal with it.

Rule #5: If its the pussification if a wartime/killing activity, its probably not a sport.
This rule is kinda strange I know. Thats mostly because I couldn't think of good wording to make it more specific. What Im trying to cover is shit like paintball and fencing. Although Im all in favor of people practicing killing each other, I cant allow it to be a sport. (edit: added for more info)Why? Because if the real version is not a sport, then the pussified version is not a sport. War, stabbing people, mugging, and just plain kicking ass is not a sport, so their pusy counterparts are also not a sport.

So ends the rules of a sport. I may have left out a rule or two. I may have accidentally phrased a rule to cause a sport to not be a sport when it really is a sport. But all in all, I am quite satisfied in this short list of rules.

I cant really remember anymore, but I think I covered most of the basic rules.
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