Title: Sickness, Chapter 2
Universe: Cartoon
Characters/Pairings: Brainiac 5/Superman
Rating: T
Warnings/Spoilers: Slash elements, very light.
Summary: Set between seasons 1 and 2. Brainiac 5 has been suffering from an unknown disease, when the answer--and maybe the cure--finally comes to light.
Clark's lips curved upwards in memory of the green-skinned boy, by far his favorite of the Legion. )
Comments 5
The cartoon version of LoSH is definitely up on the Superman/Brainy vibes, but sadly there are no good fics out there. Then I found yours and read it all in one night.
So! Definitely gunna get the whip crack from me on finishing! Or... a cow prod maybe, seeing as this is Clark and Brainy on a farm-ness.
4Kids, after taking over the WB, cancelled Legion of Super Heroes season 3, leaving a lot of loose plotlines, including the prospect of Brainiac 5's return, and the looming threat of the evil Brainiac, which came from Brainiac 5's robotic parts. Cancelling season 3 left the Legion of Super Heroes series hugely unfinished.
Hey 4Kids!, where's our Season 3?! IF YOU WANT TO SEE 4Kids! MAKE SEASON 3, SIGN THESE PETITIONS!
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/LOSHseason3 http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/LOSHseason3
Sign and Spread the word please!
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