As I was watching tonights Gossip Girl finale
I went around to all the major GG communities and browsed through discussion. GG is one fandom I would never get involved in, well besides fan art. And that's because the fans are just as devious as Blair and Georgina. Reading some of the comments was a huge turn off. I for one though this finale was acutally good, yes there were cliff hangers, but overall the whole "Who is Gossip Girl" ended up (to me) being a message of "togetherness". No matter what GG did to hurt those around her by spilling secrets in the end she really just wanted everyone to be friends.
But the fans turn this into more shallow arguments about how they hate it and its boring, and they were actually wishing the show get cancelled. What in HELL kind of fans are those?
Not the kind that watch Legend of the Seeker, thats for sure. Thank god, too. As I was recently informed, us "heartponies" (coined by
_deejay_ and
hollywoodgrrl i believe) is such a kind fandom. But then again look at the characters, the actors, the message of the show. I feel like the audience greatly reflects what the show really stand for. This is why I personally love all of you, even though I don't know a lot of you. Everyone is genuinely positive. Gossip Girl fans are so territorial. Now not all are but I guess the ones that post as the episode is running are. Or the ones over at most of the communities.
Comparing this past weekedn (1x21 Fever) episode and the whole discussion on Rahl and Jennsen's talk, it was acutal discussion not pity shallow talks about how they hate Nate, or Vanessa, or Chuck/Blair which is what I encountered when I glanced around the communities tonight for GG.
The whole point of this ramble thing is just well, in the short of it YOU GUYS ROCK. I hope I didn't offend anyone with my talk of GG, it's not all fans but i'd say a large majority that ruin the show discussion.