Reboot!!! PV Making and 大忘年会(Dai Bounenkai)

Feb 06, 2017 03:10

Hi everyone! Here's a little something special for you!
We don't really do this so please don't hope for regular upload(Or we might have to survive on porridge xD)
Anyways I bought Reboot!!! and it finally arrived today... Well it's after 12am so yesterday?
So I uploaded the Making and the Dai Bounenkai(大忘年会)

Making 513MB MEGA
大忘年会 698 MB MEGA

This the first time I'm ripping a DVD so frankly I have no idea what I'm doing. If there is anything wrong do let us know. ^^

Happy 5th Anniversary A.B.C-Z!

*Do support our boys if you can and credit if you use those~


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