
Nov 07, 2021 09:43

My normal morning routine is to get up, wander downstairs, make coffee in the Keurig and take my daily medications (allergies, reflux, vitamin D since I’m a home body who never gets sunlight), do some mobility work (shoulder spin up, 27 squats), then wander back upstairs, plug in various devices (phone, watch), open the laptop to read comics, sip ( Read more... )

husband, i-devices, cooking, apple, mornings, routines, bacon

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frank_mobile November 7 2021, 14:50:55 UTC
Wow! You’ve created the entry using LiveJournal mobile app! You’ve done great, by the way! If you still have any questions about the app or LJ, feel free to ask in response to this comment or mentioning me in your entry. My colleagues and friends will do their best to help you.
Have a nice day!

With a big-big love,
Mobile Frank
LiveJournal Team


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