A lot, but not really

Oct 17, 2021 16:08

The husband got it in his system to go out and clean out the garage. We weren't too bad about dumping things in there when we moved in, but it had of course accumulated some things, and other things had been placed in there post-move last year, and it needed some editing. So we spent a couple hours rearranging Xmas decorations, and cataloging lego ( Read more... )

husband, garage, home, cleaning, legos

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Comments 2

curiouswombat October 17 2021, 22:04:45 UTC
I recognise both the need to sort out the garage (ours still needs work), and the problems of moving house with ego models. We still have an entire Lego sailing fleet as our daughter solved the problem of moving with them by driving backwards and forwards between their old house and ours with the two tweenagers carrying one each on their knees each trip, and leaving them on display in the study here 'for now'.

They moved in February and we still have the fleet - they still haven't got suitable new shelves, she says...


seekerval October 18 2021, 11:43:06 UTC
Sounds as though you two made some excellent progress. Of course, there is always more that could be done/needs to be done. But ya done good, kid!


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