
Dec 21, 2009 14:38

Spent the last three days of Snowpocalypse 2009 playing the last of the three games in the Metroid Prime Trilogy, finally defeating the last three bosses (on the 2nd try) a little bit ago. While I'd originally planned to do a run, I suspect it's still a bit too icy out there to run on the roads/sidewalks, so it looks to be a day on the bike trainer ( Read more... )

racing, weather, exercise, driving, games

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Comments 5

l_strange December 21 2009, 20:15:28 UTC
I've played the first two Metriod Prime titles... but I've been waiting (then wanting) to purchase the made Trilogy for the Wii. I just have too many games as is. What did you think of the last one?


legalmoose December 21 2009, 20:36:47 UTC
I enjoyed the lot of them, played them all for the first time on the Wii, and liked the "added" features for the first two to make them work better with the Wii controller. Some of those same added things in the last one felt a bit contrived at times, and that you had to fight the same damned boss three (!!!) times at various areas was annoying. Overall it took me less time to finish the last one versus the first two (yay Wii stats). I think Best Buy has the trilogy on sale at the moment for $20, if you were thinking of picking it up.


l_strange December 21 2009, 21:14:29 UTC
Okami (Wii edition)
Infamous (to replay as Good)
Broken Sword
Fallout 3
The Wicker (been midgame for months)
Half-Life Ep2

I don't need the added temptation. lol Though, $20... that's a damn good price for the trilogy. I thought I was seeing it for $40 at one point.


legalmoose December 21 2009, 21:38:23 UTC
I'm thinking it's time to try my hand at Overlord again, with the sequel coming out soon. That was fun & silly.

Even at $40 the trilogy was a steal, considering how Nintendo so rarely drops their prices, and that Corruption itself cost near $50 when it came out.

Bioshock was one of my absolute favorite games. Played through a couple of times now. Half-Life 2 was fun (Orange box version here), but I couldn't get into Fallout 3. I'll try it again, I'm sure, but I got my ass kicked entirely too easily and too quickly when I first tried it.


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