Title: I Tell the Stars Each Night (10/13, part II) Pairings: Santana/Brittany, Rachel/Quinn Other relationships: Pezberry, Quinntana, Quitt, and Brittberry friendship Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: S2 Disclaimer: Glee is not mine ( chapter ten part two )
I don't have a livejournal account but your stories have had me coming back for a solid week straight (or not so straight lol). Please finish this story, it's killing me...I kinda hate you for creating such a brilliant fic-verse. I'll forgive you if you post an update soon ;)
I love your writing--your characterizations (of Britt and Santana especially) have really enriched my Glee-watching experience. (What does it mean that I think this fanfic is better than the actual show?) I really hope you haven't abandoned this excellent story, I'm dying to know what happens next!
Comments 2
Please finish this story, it's killing me...I kinda hate you for creating such a brilliant fic-verse.
I'll forgive you if you post an update soon ;)
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