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Comments 2

Long time anonymous March 7 2019, 15:17:19 UTC
Hey, it’s been almost 11 years. I am a “acolorfulmess” livejournal. I was reading some of my entries from 2008 and I was struggling back then with failed relationships and shitty guys. I kept saying that all guys were the same and you told me one day I would find that isn’t true. You were right. In the fall of 2008 I met my now husband. And is the opposite of all those assholes. Just thought I’d write. Happy birthday too.


Re: Long time leftbase March 8 2019, 03:11:09 UTC
Rebecca! Hi!

See! And not so long after I said it either!

Seriously, I'm so happy for you, and I'm really glad you let me know. Thanks for that, and for the birthday wish.

Don't be such a stranger! (Says the guy who almost never updates anymore.)


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