More on Haiti

Jan 14, 2010 21:14

Here is a summary of all the people on my flist who are either (a) offering fic/art/fanmixes/food/etc for the help_haiti auctions, or (b) who have suggested organisations where you can send donations. If I've missed anyone, please let me know in comments, and I will add you. I also highly recommend browsing through the stuff on offer in the help_haiti comm, to see if anything catches your fancy.

I have offered:

(a) to write a fic of 1000 words or more -- Bidding currently stands at $25 US.
(b) as part of the lightning fic round, a 100-500 word ficlet to each of the first three people to comment and show proof of a donation of $5 US or more.

For both of these, I am willing to write in the following fandoms: Torchwood (any non-Owen pairing for the 1000+ word fic, ANY pairing for drabbles/ficlets, so long as it is consensual/not underage), Merlin (Merlin/Arthur or Gwen/Morgana), or Harry Potter (Remus/Sirius) fandoms, with other fandoms/pairings to be considered on a case-by-case basis.

And from my flist:

lionessvalenti is offering a fanmix -- the winner can choose between a variety of fandoms: Torchwood/Doctor Who/Sarah Jane Adventures, RENT, Being Human, Buffy/Angel (series only, no comics), Leverage, True Blood, Harry Potter, Supernatural (up to season five). Bidding starts at $5 US.
ETA: lionessvalenti is also participating in the lightning round, offering a ficlet of 300-700 words to each of the first three people to provide proof of a donation of $5 or more.

phaetonschariot is offering a Torchwood (/Doctor Who) fanfic of 1000 words. Bidding is currently at $30 US.
ETA: Now that bidding is above $20, phaetonschariot is offering the winner a choice between either a fic or a fanvid set to the song of their choice.

jillbertini suggests donating to Partners in Health, one of the organisations that is currently best-placed to provide aid, because they have intact infrastructure.

amilyn is offering TWO seperate items: A fic of 1000 words, AND 8 drabbles, which can be written as a set (or not) as the winning bidder desires. Click on the link for a long list of fandoms. Both bids currently stand at $5 US.
ETA: amilyn is now also offering a bunch of fannish garage sale stuff-- bidding for each item starts at $4, and at least one is already up to $8, AND she has joined the lightening round, offering a drabble each (writer's option to turn it into a ficlet) to the first five people to donate $2 or more.

enemyfrigate is offering a fic of at least 1000 words from one of the following fandoms: X-Men movieverse, Torchwood (through the end of season 2), Doctor Who (Nine, Rose, Jack), King Arthur, SGA. Bidding currently stands at $10 US.

blue_fjords is offering a dozen vegan cupcakes (US and Canada only). Bidding currently stands at $10 US.

nancybrown is offering a fic of at least 500 words; see link for a broad selection of fandoms. Bidding currently stands at $20 US.
ETA: nancybrown is also participating in the lightning round, offering five drabbles to the first five people to donate $1 US or more. (One has already been taken!)

keenquing is offering a fic of at least 500 words in any of the following fandoms: Torchwood, Pushing Daisies, Velvet Goldmine (see link for more specific details). Bidding starts at $1 US.

wendymr is offering a fic of at least 1000 words in either Doctor Who or Lois and Clark fandoms. One person has already won a fic with a generous $150 donation, but Wendy kindly agreed to write another for the next highest bidder. Bidding currently stands at $10 US.

such_heights is offering a fic of at least 1500 words, a vid, and a podfic. See individual links for specifics and available fandoms. Bidding currently stands at $10 US, $30 US, and $10 US respectively.

mtgat has a number of fandom-related books up for auction-- see link for details. Bidding starts at $1 US, but at least one item is up to $5 US.

solsticezero is offering a fic of at least 1000 words, in hard copy, bundled as a file folder from the Torchwood archives. Bidding starts at $10 US.
ETA: solsticezero has joined the lightning round, and is offering five Torchwood ficlets of 100-1000 words to the first five people to donate $5 US (with proof).

verasteine is offering Merlin fic of at least 1000 words. Bidding currently stands at $5 US.

51stcenturyfox is offering beta-reading services for a fic of up to 15k words. Bidding starts at $25 US.

kath_ballantyne is offering artwork, in a variety of fandoms, or original art. Bidding currently stands at $20 US.

sahiya is offering TWO fics of at least 1000 words for the following fandoms: Vorkosigan, Temeraire, Doctor Who, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, NCIS. Bidding starts at $3 US, but there is already a $10 bid for one of the fics.

d8rkmessngr is offering a fic of 1000-3000 words in one of the following fandoms: Torchwood (Janto), Star Trek Reboot (Kirk/McCoy), Stargate Sg-1 (Jack/Daniel), Magnificent 7 (Ezra/Chris, Ezra/Vin). Bidding currently stands at $20 US.

tencrush is offering a Dutch care package, including Droste chocolate or cocoa, stroopwafels, licorice, any other foodstuffs you'd like to request with a reasonable shelf life, postcards, a few little souvenirs. Bidding currently stands at $35 US.

amand-r is offering Torchwood post-it note comics, and 1000+ words of fic in either Torchwood or Harry Potter fandoms. Both bids currently stand at $10 US.
ETA: amand_r has also joined the lightning round, offering a ficlet of 100-500 words for the first five people to donate $7.44 US or more.

bookwrm89 is offering assorted homemade candies and cookies to the TWO highest bidders, within the US only. Bidding starts at $20 US, and the highest bid is currently $25.
ETA:... and her hubby is using his online radio station,, to encourage people to help out too!

dune_drd is offering a fic of 1000+ in Doctor Who/Torchwood fandom. Bidding is currently at $10. She also gives us an important reminder that donations are ALWAYS needed, even if the news isn't reminding us of it.

kalichan is offering a fic of 1000+ words; the winning bidding can choose from a wide array of fandoms (see link). Bidding currently stands at $10 US.

kel_reiley is offering a copy of the Torchwood novel Pack Animals, in perfect condition -- US only. Bidding starts at $5 US. She is also offering a set of 25 icons, made to the winner's specifications. Bidding currently stands at $5 US.

rm is offering a story of 1000+ words in a fandom she is familiar with (see link for details). Bidding starts at $5 US.

timberwolfoz is offering a fic of at least 1000 words in Lewis, Top Gear RPS, LOTR FPS and Professionals fandoms. Bidding starts at $5 US.

rm and kalichan are offering a joint fic of at least 1000 words set in one of their existing fic 'verses (see link for details). Bidding currently stands at $10 US.

invisible_lift has placed three Torchwood tie-in novels on e-bay, with 100% of the proceeds going to MSF. Bidding starts at $5 US.

cruentum AKA cyus is participating in the lightning round, offering ficlets of 200-700 words to the first three people to donate -- he'll write in Torchwood, Torchwood RPF, or La Cage Aux Folles fandoms. Minimum donation, $7.44 US.

paragraphs is offering 4 dozen organic homemade dog biscuits. Bidding currently stands at $20 US.

hab318princess is offering a Torchwood fic of 2000+ words. Bidding starts at $/£/€ 5.

fandom, help haiti

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