Christmas Animals Icons

Dec 05, 2021 18:03

Here are some icons of various Christmassy animals - cats, tiger, leopard, dogs, wolf, donkey, polar bear, rabbit and squirrel! Enjoy! As usual, please credit if you take and use, and a comment here would be lovely!


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felines, christmas, icons, icons: animals, squirrels, rabbits, canines

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Comments 17

deborahkla December 6 2021, 04:33:15 UTC
These are great! I've taken several and will credit when used. Thanks!


leesa_perrie December 6 2021, 15:06:17 UTC
Thank you! Enjoy the icons! :D


yeuxdebleu December 6 2021, 05:24:17 UTC
These are all so precious. I took numbers 2,11 and 12 and will of course credit when I use them. Thank you so much for sharing.


leesa_perrie December 6 2021, 15:06:40 UTC
Thank you! Enjoy the icons! :D


yeuxdebleu December 7 2021, 00:52:09 UTC
I have a question about crediting. I used leesa_perrie when I uploaded the icons, but it didn't work. What should I use for someone who is using Dreamwidth instead of Live Journal?

oops! I made a typing mistake. Used a " when I should have used a <. I've corrected it now.


leesa_perrie December 7 2021, 14:37:03 UTC
Glad you sorted it! Thank you for crediting me.


beloved4always December 6 2021, 20:35:14 UTC
These are so great!! Snagged a few, will credit of course. My favorite is #1 - looks just like my Nena (if she wore a santa hat, which would NEVER happen, LOL). Thanks so much for sharing!


leesa_perrie December 6 2021, 21:52:51 UTC
Thank you! Enjoy the icons!! Nena is a sensible cat, not interested in the frivolity of a santa hat, lol! :D


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