34 The Sentinel icons

Dec 16, 2019 18:50

34 The Sentinel icons, including a handful of festive ones!

As usual, please credit if you take and use, a comment here would be lovely, and no hotlinking, thanks!!


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icons, blair sandburg, the sentinel, simon banks, jim ellison, icons: the sentinel

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Comments 2

dimity_blue December 19 2019, 13:35:27 UTC
Hey, these are good! I like all the nice pops of blue you've used.

I've taken 10 and 20 (20 is brilliant!) and I'll credit you in my user pics.

Thanks for sharing!


leesa_perrie December 19 2019, 14:51:40 UTC
Thank you!! It looks like I might be drawn to blue, lol! :D

Glad you like 10 and 20 (and wow, so glad you think that one is so good!), enjoy them!! :D


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