TS Bingo Card - Vendetta

Apr 21, 2018 15:30

A picspam for the 'Vendetta' square on my The Sentinel bingo card, from the episode 'Vendetta' (of course)!

Please credit if you take and use, a comment here would be lovely, and no hotlinking, thanks.

Vendetta icons )

simon banks, icons, blair sandburg, ts artwork, the sentinel, the sentinel bingo, jim ellison, icons: the sentinel

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Comments 4

stargatesg1971 April 21 2018, 16:39:44 UTC
A lovely array of icons m'dear and congrats on getting your first bingo line!


leesa_perrie April 21 2018, 17:30:22 UTC
Thanks! I suspect it will be my only line, but we'll see!


dimity_blue April 22 2018, 15:39:21 UTC
I've stolen misty Blair (05) and Jim's magnificent facepalm (07). I know that one will come in handy.

Really nice icons, Leesa. I like the b/w ones especially.


leesa_perrie April 22 2018, 15:46:00 UTC
Thanks! And enjoy the icons (and lol, yes, I can imagine Jim's facepalm one will come in handy)! :D


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