TS Bingo Card - Fluff

Feb 22, 2018 14:04

For the 'fluff' square on my The Sentinel bingo card.

Title: Puppy Dog's Eyes

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ts artwork, blair sandburg, picspam, the sentinel bingo, the sentinel, jim ellison

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Comments 4

dimity_blue February 22 2018, 20:08:09 UTC
Awww! Who can resist fluff like that?

Well done, Leesa!


leesa_perrie February 22 2018, 20:35:13 UTC
Who indeed?!! :D :D

Wasn't the dog either Garett's or Richard's pet?


stargatesg1971 February 23 2018, 14:11:13 UTC
Aw such a lovely scene. I like how you've tweaked the colpur tones.

I seem to recall someone said it RB's dog but I could be wrong.


leesa_perrie February 23 2018, 14:53:11 UTC
Thank you!!

I also have a feeling it was RB's dog too, so maybe it was!


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