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Comments 9

pipilj December 25 2017, 12:36:51 UTC

Happy Holidays


leesa_perrie December 25 2017, 20:34:23 UTC
Thanks! Hope you're having a happy holiday too! :D


dieastra December 28 2017, 10:14:17 UTC
I did, thank you! Just catching up with the internet.
I will post pictures of my gifts yet!


leesa_perrie December 28 2017, 10:23:58 UTC
So glad you've had a good Christmas! :D


dimity_blue December 28 2017, 17:56:35 UTC
LOL! Biggest bauble! Poor Jim. Is pink his colour?

But my favourite is the holly wreath around Blair in that suede jacket. ♥

Thanks for sharing, Leesa. And merry Christmas! *hugs*


leesa_perrie December 28 2017, 18:59:06 UTC
It was, indeed, a huge bauble!! And no, I have a feeling that pink is not his colour, not the way he's eyeing it up!! :D :D

Glad you liked the holly wreathed Blair one! Hope you had a good Christmas! :D


stargatesg1971 December 31 2017, 05:11:34 UTC
A little late now but I hope you've had a lovely Christmas and got to spend some quality time with family and friends.

I love the WC artwork, nice interplay in colour tones and my favourite TS piece is the one with the pink bag LOL.


leesa_perrie December 31 2017, 11:44:19 UTC
Hope you also had a lovely Christmas, and thanks! I couldn't resist the pink bag caption when I came across the screencap! :D


stargatesg1971 December 31 2017, 17:05:58 UTC
I did thanks. :D

I adored the pink bag in secret santa, it was one of my favourites of the day.


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