
Sep 23, 2017 19:21

I've done most of the website alterations that I wanted and added all the artwork that's backed up over the last three years. I still have a few minor tweaks to do, but those aren't urgent, so I'll get to them as and when I feel like it!

Anyway, if you want to go poke about, feel free to! Leesa's Bit of the WebComments are always welcome, along ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

stargatesg1971 September 24 2017, 07:48:20 UTC
Looks great, Leesa. Very organised and easy to navigate.


leesa_perrie September 24 2017, 12:54:22 UTC
Thank you! :D


dimity_blue September 24 2017, 12:39:56 UTC
That looks really good! You should be pleased with it.

I don't use HTML either. Is it all point and click?


leesa_perrie September 24 2017, 12:57:30 UTC
Thank you! :D

The software is a little more than point and click, but it does make life a lot easier once you get to know how to do things. Pretty easy actually, but limited compared to modern day swishy-professional sites!! I'd recommend it and could talk you through the basics if you wanted. I also use Filezilla to upload, as that's very straight forward to use.


dimity_blue September 24 2017, 16:22:44 UTC
If I decide to do it, I'll start on Wednesday. That way, I can pay for an account that day. If I get stuck, I'll email you, if that's okay?

Thanks for the offer. *hugs tightly* I had someone email me the other day asking about my website. The Yahoo one was far too expensive to leave up - talk about a moneypit!


leesa_perrie September 24 2017, 16:42:58 UTC
Sure, email me if you have any problems. At least Nvu is free, so if you can't get on with it, you've not wasted money. I use the older version, I think. It does sometimes crash for no apparent reason, so make sure you save regularly! (But hey, it's free!!)

EDIT: Btw, in case you're wondering, I use the US lycos/tripod company for the website. It works out just under £4 a month, but they do have free sites that should be fine if it's just fanfic. I'm sure there are other companies offering this sort of thing, possibly for less or for free too!


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