SGA icons

Dec 22, 2016 21:29

74 Stargate Atlantis icons.

As usual, please credit if you take and use, a comment here is lovely and no hotlinking, thanks!


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sga artwork, aiden ford, icons, john sheppard, teyla emmagan, richard woolsey, wraith, samantha carter, carson beckett, elizabeth weir, rodney mckay, stargate atlantis, jennifer keller, ronon dex, radek zelenka, icons: sga

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Comments 6

kanarek13 December 23 2016, 00:02:06 UTC
Awwww, they are all so pretty :D Especially the festive ones at the beginning, heeee :D I bet Rodney is also allergic to pine trees and makes sure to mention that around Christmas, LOL :D


leesa_perrie December 23 2016, 14:56:52 UTC
Thank you!! And lol, wouldn't that just be like Rodney to be allergic to pine!!! Oh yes, they'd never hear the end of it, would they?! :)


dimity_blue December 23 2016, 16:34:50 UTC
These are lovely, especially the Christmassy ones! I like your cropping too. Well done.

Thanks for sharing!


leesa_perrie December 23 2016, 18:36:00 UTC
Thank you! :D


stargatesg1971 January 1 2017, 14:33:48 UTC
Lovely work as always. Thanks for sharing.


leesa_perrie January 1 2017, 18:59:16 UTC
Thank you! :D


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