White Collar and The Sentinel icons

Dec 21, 2016 16:04

[001-056] White Collar
[057-101] The Sentinel

As usual, please credit if you take and use, a comment here is lovely and no hotlinking, thanks!


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clinton jones, simon banks, icons, wc artwork, sara ellis, jim ellison, elizabeth burke, diana berrigan, lauren cruz, peter burke, white collar, icons: white collar, ts artwork, blair sandburg, neal caffrey, the sentinel, icons: the sentinel, mozzie

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Comments 10

sandy79 December 22 2016, 01:46:01 UTC
beautiful sets! Snagged the WC ones, will of course credit when use!


leesa_perrie December 22 2016, 14:47:09 UTC
Thank you!! Enjoy the icons!! :D


treonb December 22 2016, 09:16:06 UTC
Very lovely icons :-)


leesa_perrie December 22 2016, 14:47:19 UTC
Thank you! :D


dimity_blue December 22 2016, 19:26:42 UTC
These are gorgeous! I really like the Christmas border and Peter with a snowman!


leesa_perrie December 22 2016, 21:40:21 UTC
Thank you!! I nearly didn't make the Peter one, but couldn't resist that snowman, lol! :D


kanarek13 December 23 2016, 00:03:59 UTC
So very pretty :D Snowman Peter is FTW :D Also, facepalm Hughes because yes, when Neal is involved, the entire FBI shares the same feeling, LOL :D


leesa_perrie December 23 2016, 14:58:57 UTC
Thank you!! I let the silliness out with the snowman one, glad that you like it so much!!! And yes, that does look like a Neal induced facepalm for poor Hughes... possibly also the start of a headache too!


stargatesg1971 January 1 2017, 14:27:33 UTC
Lovely work as always. Thanks for sharing.


leesa_perrie January 1 2017, 18:59:43 UTC
Thanks! :)


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