lols from the net

Mar 29, 2016 17:51

Belated Easter lol first.

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felines, birds, funny photos, humour, gifs, canines

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Comments 18

kanarek13 March 29 2016, 19:10:04 UTC
LOLOLOL, omg, I can't even pick, these are all epic, lol :D


leesa_perrie March 29 2016, 21:35:40 UTC
Glad they made you lol! :D :D


stargatesg1971 March 29 2016, 19:17:37 UTC
There some good ones here *grins*. My favourites are the vet one and the cat playing the box in accompaniment to the drums.


leesa_perrie March 29 2016, 21:37:20 UTC
Ah yes, cats (and dogs) know how vets is spelt!! And the drummer cat is awesome! :D


sandy79 March 29 2016, 19:48:37 UTC
Gah, I love these posts! The drummer cat is just hilarious!


leesa_perrie March 29 2016, 21:37:53 UTC
The drummer cat needs to be in a band! :D


laurose8 March 29 2016, 22:24:03 UTC
Thank you. Thumb wrestling champ is my favourite! Though there's drummer cat. Must also gloat over garbage security and the literate kitty (though I suspect he learnt by the limiting whole word method, and will have difficulty with longer words.)


leesa_perrie March 29 2016, 22:26:49 UTC
Glad you enjoyed them, so many to lol over!! :D :D


pipilj March 30 2016, 06:26:47 UTC
These are all epic. The drummer cat, the vet cat and penguin are the best.


leesa_perrie March 30 2016, 15:41:51 UTC
Those three certainly make me smile too! :D


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