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Comments 17

aragarna March 15 2016, 19:43:02 UTC
LOL the dog moving the park around. NOT efficient ^^

And love the first one too, about dogs vs. cats. SO true!


leesa_perrie March 15 2016, 20:48:50 UTC
Not efficient at all!! :D

The first one is so, soooo true!! :D


sandy79 March 15 2016, 19:48:27 UTC
GAH!! the last one! XD


leesa_perrie March 15 2016, 20:49:07 UTC
I know!!! LOL! :D


laurose8 March 15 2016, 20:01:01 UTC
Thank you for another collection of winners. I really melted at the dog's stuffed puppy.

I do love the capybara's minions!


leesa_perrie March 15 2016, 20:50:15 UTC
The dog and his stuffed puppy is just too cute! It totally melts me too!!

I'm thinking we need to watch that capybara. And its minions! :D


kanarek13 March 15 2016, 20:04:47 UTC
Lol, all of these are epic :D Love the minion comment, lol :D


leesa_perrie March 15 2016, 20:51:11 UTC
I thought you'd like the minion one, even if it isn't the yellow guys! :D


sherylyn March 15 2016, 21:03:52 UTC
Those are all awesome, but that last one is just extra hysterical!! I could so see either of my dogs doing that!!

The two dogs we have now aren't so picky, food-wise, but Sunny was always far pickier than our cats, even. And none of our dogs have ever been the "inhale all the food the moment it's served" type. We wouldn't know what to do with one of those! LOL!! (And my SIL can't imagine a dog who *doesn't* inhale it all as fast as possible, b/c of how her dog is!!)


leesa_perrie March 15 2016, 21:57:51 UTC
I LOVE that last one sooo much!! :D :D

I guess some dogs aren't stereotypical! Like those kitties that like water! :D


sherylyn March 15 2016, 23:10:48 UTC
LOL I do, too! That dog is just so "la-de-da", still happy, and not at all disturbed by that thing around him! LOL!!

Oh, they definitely aren't! It cracks me up how distinct all their personalities can be!!


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