WC, TS and SGA icons

Jul 30, 2013 17:37

25 White Collar icons, 39 The Sentinel icons and 61 Stargate Atlantis icons. The first eight WC icons were made for qwertyfaced, who is happy for them to be shared.

As usual, please credit if you take and use, a comment here would make me happy and no hotlinking, thanks!


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simon banks, aiden ford, icons, sara ellis, jim ellison, john sheppard, teyla emmagan, daniel jackson, diana berrigan, carson beckett, lauren cruz, peter burke, white collar, elizabeth weir, rodney mckay, icons: white collar, stargate atlantis, neal caffrey, blair sandburg, jennifer keller, ronon dex, the sentinel, icons: sga, radek zelenka, mozzie, icons: the sentinel

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Comments 14

diek09 July 30 2013, 16:59:51 UTC
Your icons are so nice. The colour you're using now is pretty nice, specially in your Sga icons. I also like #36, really nice composition...


leesa_perrie July 30 2013, 21:31:38 UTC
Thank you! I've been trying to be braver with colour, so I'm glad that you like what I've been doing, as well as the composition on #36! :)


kehleyr July 30 2013, 22:32:38 UTC
Saved number 80... I really like the colouring on that one :-)


leesa_perrie July 31 2013, 11:37:35 UTC
Thank you! :)


florastuart July 31 2013, 01:25:57 UTC
Oh, these are gorgeous! Snagging #12 ♥


leesa_perrie July 31 2013, 11:37:57 UTC
Thank you! :)


1lastdanceluv July 31 2013, 05:33:26 UTC
Nice :) And snagging #87 cause yay for Lorne!!


leesa_perrie July 31 2013, 11:38:28 UTC
Thank you! :)


sallymn July 31 2013, 05:36:50 UTC
Oh, lovely!!!!


leesa_perrie July 31 2013, 11:38:44 UTC
Thank you! :)


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