TS, WC and SGA icons

Mar 03, 2013 19:02

[01-17] The Sentinel
[18-27] White Collar
[28-59] Stargate Atlantis

As usual, please credit if you use, a comment here would be lovely and no hotlinking, thanks!


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simon banks, icons, jim ellison, john sheppard, teyla emmagan, samantha carter, carson beckett, lauren cruz, peter burke, white collar, rodney mckay, icons: white collar, stargate atlantis, neal caffrey, blair sandburg, jennifer keller, ronon dex, the sentinel, icons: sga, icons: the sentinel

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Comments 10

lantean_breeze March 3 2013, 21:15:28 UTC
These are all very nice. I especially like, 30,31,36,44-49, and 52. Good work! Will give credit for the ones I snagged if that's okay. :)


leesa_perrie March 3 2013, 21:22:01 UTC
Thank you! Feel free to snag as many as you want! :)


msdubstep March 4 2013, 04:49:33 UTC
Great work! I snagged a few White Collar and Atlantis ones, will comment.


leesa_perrie March 4 2013, 14:28:31 UTC
Thank you! Enjoy the icons! :)


teaboyfan March 4 2013, 17:59:39 UTC
You have Sentinel icons! I snagged #7 - will credit you. Sentinel fandom was before LJ, and I didn't have any icons. Thank you!


leesa_perrie March 4 2013, 18:32:11 UTC
Glad to help out! Although not into The Sentinel as much as I used to be, I still make the odd bit of artwork and some icons - and run ts_icontest! Blair and Jim have had a lasting effect on me, it seems!! Thanks! :)


stargatesg1971 March 4 2013, 18:21:51 UTC
Lovely work as always.


leesa_perrie March 4 2013, 18:32:24 UTC
Thank you! :)


garettgal March 4 2013, 19:00:15 UTC
These are all very nice.

I especially like Nos:2&8 from TS and No:21 from WC. Matt Bomer is most definitely easy on the eyes. :)

Thanks for sharing and I have taken No:2 to add to my small number of icons and will make sure to credit.


leesa_perrie March 4 2013, 19:13:01 UTC
Thank you! :)


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