Toys Aren't Us - SGA ficlet

Feb 13, 2012 18:20

A missing scene for McKay and Mrs Miller written for a current challenge on stargateland, for the prompt 'steal'.

Where do you find a doll on short notice? )

rodney mckay, stargateland, sga fanfic, elizabeth weir

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Comments 13

dimity_blue February 13 2012, 19:23:28 UTC
"No, look! I like Madison so much I stole for her!" Rodney holds out the 'doll' with a hopeful look on his face.

Jeannie: *face/palm while feeling strangely touched*

That was hilarious, Leesa. I love Rodney's thought processes, and he should be doubly glad he didn't get fired after the ZPM *and* theft. Elizabeth had a lot of patience with him.

Thanks for sharing!


leesa_perrie February 13 2012, 19:31:35 UTC
LOL!!! :D And yes, Elizabeth must have a lot of patience where Rodney is concerned!!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!


sholio February 13 2012, 21:00:54 UTC
Awww, this is really cute! :D


leesa_perrie February 13 2012, 21:06:24 UTC
Thank you!


x_varda_x February 13 2012, 22:43:15 UTC
Rodney's in big trouble now :P

Nice one! :D


leesa_perrie February 13 2012, 23:14:33 UTC
Yep, Rodney's going to be in big trouble!!



sexycazzy February 16 2012, 21:39:35 UTC
I like the thought process here! :-D


leesa_perrie February 16 2012, 22:39:37 UTC
Thank you! Sometimes I wonder what goes through Rodney's mind... sometimes I get an idea of what it might have been!! :)


anonymous February 18 2012, 15:09:57 UTC
Nice!!! Loved how you wrote Rodney's thought-processes! Poor Rodney re the whole 'everyone likes Rod better' thing.



leesa_perrie February 18 2012, 15:15:32 UTC
Thanks! At least the team try to make up for it in the last scene - but still, poor Rodney!


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