20 Stargate icons

Feb 22, 2011 22:08

20 icons for Round 16 on gate_eps20in20. My theme was 'the girls of stargate'.

As usual, please credit if you take, a comment here would be nice and no hotlinking, thanks!


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janet fraiser, stargate sg1, samantha carter, icons: sgu, chloe armstrong, icons: sg1, stargate universe, elizabeth weir, icons, stargate atlantis, jennifer keller, tamara johansen, icons: sga, teyla emmagan, vala mal doran

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Comments 16

gelbes_gilatier February 22 2011, 22:25:08 UTC
Oh, they're all awesome! Stargate women FTW! Love them all, but especially Dangerous :)


leesa_perrie February 22 2011, 22:28:42 UTC
Thank you! I had some fun with these!!


stella_pegasi February 23 2011, 01:36:35 UTC
The End, B&W w/color, Take me home are my favs...Funny is adorable...

Your cat set is great, the beautiful women of the SGC and I love your AC's. Both your alts are great.

As always, a great set!


leesa_perrie February 23 2011, 10:03:57 UTC
Thank you, and wow, so many icons that you like!!


zaidie February 23 2011, 02:46:15 UTC
Nice icons. You did a really good job with the move along category set, and I really like the 'two' icon.


leesa_perrie February 23 2011, 10:04:56 UTC
Thank you!


campylobacter February 23 2011, 04:30:00 UTC
GORGEOUS women of Stargate icons!


leesa_perrie February 23 2011, 10:05:09 UTC
Wow, thank you!


jasminago February 23 2011, 09:12:03 UTC
Oh, love the move along category, especially Cat#1.


leesa_perrie February 23 2011, 10:05:21 UTC
Thank you!!


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