Episode-related Artwork

Oct 09, 2009 19:19

I have now added some pages to my website for episode-related art, found via this page here. As you can see, I've already done this for fic! I am now about to embark on a hunt for song vids as well, crazy obssessed person that I am ( Read more... )

fanfiction, poll, stargate atlantis, sga fanfic, sga artwork, website

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Comments 2

sholio October 10 2009, 00:38:02 UTC
I'd consider comics more in the fic category because there's a story to them? If the art's the most important thing, I'd say it belongs in the art category, but if the art is supporting a narrative, I'd put it in fic ...

Now that I've thought about it, though, maybe putting them in both places would be a useful compromise?

And thank you again for all your hard work! This is really an awesome resource.


leesa_perrie October 10 2009, 09:17:20 UTC
It's a toughie! I think I might put them in both sections, even if that is doubling them up a bit. As there's only a handful, I don't think it would be too annoying to someone surfing through both fic and art to have them double-posted. If there were loads, I'd put them in fic and leave it at that!

And thanks, I'm glad that people are using the lists and appreciating them! I've just started on the song vids list - wow, there's a lot of episode-related vids out there!!! But hey, I'm actually kind of enjoying this - I guess I'm weird like that!! *g*


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