Website tinkerings and a poll...

Mar 04, 2009 17:30

Hi! So, when I set up my website I didn't know where to put the meta info (rating, genre etc). The main fic page was long enough without adding it under each fic listed, so I decided to make a separate page for it (title page). Of course, this meant clicking on a link from the main fic page and then clicking on another link from the title page to ( Read more... )

fanfiction, poll, stargate atlantis, sga fanfic, website

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Comments 6

rhymer23 March 4 2009, 20:15:43 UTC
I really wouldn't presume to express an opinion on how you organise your stories, which is down to what you feel comfortable with, but I organise mine principally by length, but with an element of genre, in that I have four sections: 40,000 word plus, 10-40,000, under 10,000, and humour/parody (all of which are short). Within each section I arrange them by date of writing. I don't know how it works for readers, but it works nicely for me, anyway. :-)


leesa_perrie March 4 2009, 21:20:35 UTC
I've seen a few people organise by length and I think that can be helpful as a reader. Of course, the longest one I wrote is approx 21,000 words, so no 40,000 plus section for me!! *bg*

I'm waiting to see what others say and then make a decision that I feel comfortable with. I just think the long list in the stand alone section might be off-putting to new readers!



dimity_blue March 5 2009, 00:39:51 UTC
I'd go with alphabetically, but separating the episode tags/missing scenes. To me, that makes the most sense. :oD

But whatever you prefer really. It's your site and your stories. Whatever looks cleaner to you will be best.

ETA: You could always indicate length by writing the amount of words underneath the story summary.


leesa_perrie March 5 2009, 12:21:04 UTC
Hmm, still can't decide! I like the idea of putting the length next to the story link (putting it underneath will make that list even loooonger!!). Alphabetical has merits, but I think I'd prefer to go with the oldest at the bottom, newest at the top, whatever else I decide about layout.

Thanks, I'll make a decision sometime soon (I hope!).

*is thinking*


starwatcher307 March 5 2009, 02:43:42 UTC
I like the sections you have (stand-alone, series, etc). In series, chronological makes sense. In other sections, I'd list stories either alphabetically, or in order of writing with newest at top (since people are likely to be looking for the most recent story if they've read the others).

I find word count useful, but I don't look for "something under 20K." Putting the word-count with the title information will let readers know if they have time to read now, or save it till later.


leesa_perrie March 5 2009, 12:24:27 UTC
Thanks. I'm leaning towards the chronological order, ie newest at the top, and putting word count next to the link. I might separate out missing scenes/tags, but am still unsure. I may even end up doing it by length... Hopefully I'll make a decision soon!


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