Jul 18, 2008 20:49
NaruShiSeri. XDDD
LOL. Before I start my ramblings about the third episode.....
Did you notice? In the opening song; the three giant cards that stopped Serizawa as he was running towards his friends and family. They were cards number 9, 7 and XIII. And only number 13 was written as XIII, in roman form, as what's normal for tarot cards. The other two was simply written as '9' and '7'.
So I was wondering, is it a clue? Does 9 and 7 have any special meaning? Tell me! Tell me~! XDD I hope it's not just a case of typing error among the crews.
By the way...
Card IX is The Hermit. It indicates the need to spend time in contemplation, recharging emotional/physical batteries, or simply pondering what to do next.
Card VII is The Chariot, mainly related to struggles.
And Card XIII is Death. Despite the name, if the card turns out in a Tarot reading it doesn't really mean a bad thing. It signifies the end of an era, thus giving the opportunity to make a fresh start, to embark on a new phase in life and leave the past behind.
LOL. That's basically it. Why do I sound like a geek? XDD
****Spoiler Alert*********
And the new card in today's episode was number III. The Empress. Associated with fertility and abundance. It can have many different meanings, but since the one who received it was Shiori... I guess it's supposed to be associated with the beginning of a happy relationship. LOL. Why would Naruse give such a card to Shiori? XDDDDD I wonder if it's Naruse's version of love letter.
I read somewhere... in the Korean version, the psychic and the lawyer were a couple. The cop likes the psychic too, but it was one-sided... At least that's how things were at the start. And it seems like the Japanese version is also going to the same direction.
So.. there you go. A love triangle! Yay? XDD
Hehe. I have lots and lots of guesses in my head. XDDD
Most of them were... LOL..... But one of my guesses was correct, though... The thing that killed Serizawa's shark-loan friend was the foul-smelling gas... Ah. Always using a subtle way to kill people. Genius. ♥
I'm loving this story more and more! ♥
And it's not just because of Ohno, okay? Although he does play a HUGE part in it XDD
Okay. Enough ramblings. Ja!