Welcome to the second annual Lee Adama Ficathon! We had some FANTASTIC fics last year and I am very excited to see what everyone writes this time around.
Important Dates
Sign-ups: May 4th to May 11th
Prompting: May 8th to May 14th
Master Prompts List: Posted on May 15th
Fics are due: June 17th
Last day to drop out: June 13th
Posting begins: June 18th
+ Fics should be at least 750 words and inspired by one of the prompts (in a separate post next week). Feel free to create your own prompt if you already have a fic in mind.
+ This ficathon is open to all Lee-centric genfic and/or any romantic pairing (het, slash, poly). Shippy fics are absolutely welcome, but I think the members of the comm would also enjoy an additional focus on Lee's other relationships, personal, professional, and political.
+ Fics can be any rating, specified at the time of posting.
+ Fics can be canon, AU or crossover. Whatever you prefer.
+ Posting will NOT be anonymous. Posting will occur in the order the fics are submitted.
+ Using a beta is advised.
+ Fics can be from any POV and contain any characters as long as they are Lee-centric.
+ A collection of short vignettes is acceptable as long as the minimum word count is achieved (750 words)
Your LJ Name:
Favorite Lee Episode(s):
Favorite Lee Relationship(s):
Length of fic typically written (short/med/long/epic):
Do you need a beta?
Are you willing to beta a fic?