I know at least two writers who are almost done with their fics, so I guess it's time to put up the submission guidelines.
1. I will post one fic a day in the order they are received. I will start posting on June 1st, although the official deadline is not until midnight of that day.
2. All fics should include LJ formatting, italics, bolds, etc. If I see something obvious when I load the document, I'll email you, otherwise, fics go up as formatted in Word/RTF. I suggest you drop your fic into an LJ post, just to test out the codes and then dump back into word before you submit. This will ensure that your fic is formatted the way you want it to be. (Well, if LJ cooperates.)
3. Please use American fic ratings for consistency: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17 (I will also allow M for Mature content since it is used so widely.)
4. Use the following header at the beginning of your fic:
Warnings: (if applicable: squicks, non-canon character death, triggering themes)
Word Count:
Author's Notes:
5. Submit documents in Word, any version is fine, or use RTF, if you prefer.
6. Email completed fics to scifishipper [at] gmail [dot] com.
7. When submitting fics, use "LAD Ficathon Submission by YourLJUserName" in the email Subject Line.
8. Fics are due June 1st by midnight EST.
Any questions or if I've forgotten anything, please comment. Do NOT submit fics to this post. :D
Ficathon Rules |
Master Prompts List |
Beta Post |
Drop Out Post | Deadline: 10 days