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Russian: "svinaia tushonka" for lend-lease. Cincinnati, Ohio. Preparing canned pork (Russian: "svinaia tushonka") for lend-lease shipment to the USSR at the Kroger grocery and baking company. Pork being removed from pot boilers, where it is cooked eight minutes at 180 degrees and treated for twenty percent pre-shrinkage
Посмотреть на Яндекс.Фотках Cincinnati, Ohio. Preparing canned pork (Russian: "svinaia tushonka") for lend-lease shipment to the USSR at the Kroger grocery and baking company. Removing pork from a container, after treating it for twenty percent shrinkage. Henderson Fuller, (left), age forty, used to do construction work
Посмотреть на Яндекс.Фотках Cincinnati, Ohio. Preparing canned pork (Russian: "svinaia tushonka") for lend-lease shipment to the USSR at the Kroger grocery and baking company. Larry Schaefer, age twenty-nine, father of two children, treating the pork for twenty percent shrinkage
Посмотреть на Яндекс.Фотках Cincinnati, Ohio. Preparing canned pork (Russian: "svinaia tushonka") for lend-lease shipment to the USSR at the Kroger grocery and baking company. One pound of pork, lard, onions, and spice go into each can
Посмотреть на Яндекс.Фотках Cincinnati, Ohio. Preparing canned pork (Russian: "svinaia tushonka") for lend-lease shipment to the USSR at the Kroger grocery and baking company. Marie Greebe packing the finished cans of pork
Посмотреть на Яндекс.Фотках Cincinnati, Ohio. Preparing canned pork (Russian: "svinaia tushonka") for lend-lease shipment to the USSR at the Kroger grocery and baking company. Mary Duvall, age twenty-six, ex-housewife, packing cans of pork. Her husband is in defense work and her brother is in the Army
Посмотреть на Яндекс.Фотках Cincinnati, Ohio. Preparing canned pork (Russian: "svinaia tushonka") for lend-lease shipment to the USSR at the Kroger grocery and baking company. Pork, lard, onions and spice in the amount which go into each finished can
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