My lj is for writing fic in, and that's getting few and far between lately. I don't really know why, because the story ideas are all there, and unless I've had something go enormously cerebrally wrong (and haven't noticed) in the last few months, I have no reason NOT to be able to write them. But I can't. And every time I read about BSG fandom and
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But as far as the HP fiction goes, I don't think anything of mine still exists on the 'net, except perhaps my last unfinished attempt at a version of HBP, which is at Leaky Cauldron somewhere, I think, under my penname Taish Melwell. As an unrepentant but unhopeful H/Hr shipper, I knew I wasn't going to be 'happy' with HBP, but I didn't know why - at least, it wasn't why I thought. I haven't finished the book properly, and I'm not sure I can. I ceased reading or participating in the HP fandom a few months before that book came out. I had a few stories up on the warner brothers boards, which afaik were lost with the rehash of those forums. I have a couple of shorts - "Static" and "Pinion" (both Hermione!introspec) - still on my drive and if I can polish them up enough to be satisfied, I'll ( ... )
*loves on you*
I'll tackle the Kara/Lee thing first. Unfortunately, I can't speak for everyone else, but I do know that while I don't like Kara/Lee as a pairing, I'd never say that it was automatically boring or trite fic. Some of the hands-down best BSG fic has been Kara/Lee.
- You're actually one of the people I look for in feedback because I know you don't 'ship Kara/Lee; if I can sell you a story, then I know that I got something right. I wish more antiship readers were like you. But they're not, and that's half the problem.
with BSG, I've seen people say that Kara/Lee is so well-written in fic because slashers are writing it.- Ugh, that's another horrible generalisation, isn't it? That what good fic is written is written by people who would otherwise write slash, because only slash writers can write good fic? That's a lot like the idea that L/K is actually a slash couple because by our norms, Starbuck is more like a man than a woman ( ... )
As for PWPs... it's interesting, because I have sort of the opposite problem... I feel like a story is less likely to be read if there isn't any sex in it. Like, I kind of hate putting ratings on my fics, because they rarely involve sex, and I'm afraid people will pass over them when they see that "PG-13" or whatever. I do think that there are a lot of really terrible PWPs out there, and maybe they're more common than other types of badfic because they're so potentially formulaic--I've read (or started) a ton of PWP fics in BSG fandom that are pretty much your basic Tab A, Slot B thing, and I wonder why they even bother calling the characters "Kara" and "Lee," because they really could be anyone (either that, or they are specific people, but totally unrecognizable as Kara and Lee, but that's a whole 'nother rant). In the case of your smutty fics, and of Kate's, and all the authors who write good PWPs, half the hot is the clear character development. I mean, there are certain ( ... )
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