Title: Redefine
Fandom/Pairing: Rookie Blue, Sam/Andy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 700ish
Summary: Post-ep for s02e06 "In Plain View"
Author's Note: This was intended for the
Porn Battle, but as you can tell by the rating, it is missing one key element.
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Comments 16
"She hits every red light up Dufferin, and his words echo in her mind" Dufferin...cool
Lovely stuff!!
i totally get a kick out of location-spotting on the show. i do have to handwave when i know they're way out of range, but whatever, it's still pretty great.
I have idea why i get such a thrill with identifying Toronto landmarks Checking out Hart House on RB, Flashpoint and even Inspector Murdoch Mysteries....
My roommate and I keep threatening to start a drinking game... if you recognise a landmark or street , you gotta sip.
reminding her of when life was just that thing that happened between school and soccer practice.
That is the best line I've read in ANYTHING in a while and is my life now, exactly.
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