Rubbout 2018

Mar 31, 2018 22:13

Rubbout 27 was March 23-25 this year and while I usually just include writing about it in my April entries, I decided to make it a separate entry this year. Daddy Eric stayed for the whole event this year and seemed to have an enjoyable time. He arrived Thursday night and took the Canada Line to downtown Vancouver, so he could check in at the Holiday Inn at Howe, the host hotel this year. Originally he was supposed to arrive before 7pm that afternoon but due to high winds via his transfer in San Francisco, they changed his flight and he arrived 4 hours later. I was already at home and it was too late to drive him at that time.

During my shift on Thursday, Daddy did some shopping and spending time at Starbucks. After my shift, I parked my car at Maywwod and transited to the hotel to meet him. He was staying in room 233 and he presented a few things to me: my order of rubber chaps and jock from E7 gear, two Turbo Duo games I bought off EBay, and a couple of retro gaming theme items (t-shirt and cap) that he got me as gifts! It was very nice of him! For dinner, we went to Firecrust Neapolitan Pizzeria on Davie nearby. Daddy went to it earlier in the day and conversed with the manager, who gave him a discount card. We had a pepperoni, mushroom, and green pepper pizza plus Italian Wedding soup as a side. The drinks were freestyle, so I had cherry root beer and cherry Dr. Pepper. The food was pretty good, and I may try them again in the future. We had a conversation of pizza chains and he reminded me of Godfather’s Pizza, a chain I’ve forgotten about (I later checked that they are still around). He then told me that earlier in the day, he met a professional massage therapist who works with the Vancouver Canucks. He gave Daddy Eric a free session which he liked and will do again another time. I eventually asked permission to include Wayne in the room for the weekend as he was willing to contribute financially. He agreed to it. After dinner, we went up Davie to Shopper’s Drug Mart to pick up distilled water for his cpap machine. I managed to find it and carry it for him back to the hotel. After we returned and dropped everything off, I spent a little more time with Daddy before I went home. While I had most things packed already and didn't have much more to put into my car when I got back, I later realized that I forgot my DSLR camera at home. So all my pictures taken this weekend were done by my Blackberry PRIV.

After a busy week of scrubbing, I left Montecito and picked Wayne up at Maywood to drive us downtown. I parked the car and registered it in the lobby with Daddy Eric by paying $78 for three nights. We took our things out of the car and set up our stuff in the room. We went up to the Pumpjack Pub for the Rubbout Meet & Greet to pick up our packages and say hello to people. Heading back south afterwards, we stopped at Shopper’s again for Wayne to pick up Coca-Cola Life as a gift to Daddy Eric. For supper we went to Patterson Wonton House, a place David & I went to years ago. I remember us liking the food there and sure enough, it was still good. I paid for us. Wayne and I geared up back at the hotel to go to the rubber dance at X-Site Bar & Grill on Granville. I wore my black rubber suit with boots that I bought a couple years ago while Wayne wore his neoprene singlet. Daddy Eric stayed behind as he wasn’t feeling up to it. We arrived about half an hour before it started so we could set up the coat check that we volunteered for. By 10pm, people slowly started to come in and lasted until 2am. I was at the front ticketing, preparing clothing to be bagged, and handing what is needed to Wayne who tied the bags and stored them. During a small break, I saw Mike and we chatted a small bit. It’s always good to see him though we would never play this weekend. We ended up making $110.25 in tips for the Knights. Near the end, I found my rubber suit had a couple of holes appear so it’s going to need repair just like my uniform pants. We walked back to the hotel and Daddy Eric was well asleep when we came in. I prepped Wayne’s sofa bed and I shared the king sized bed with Daddy.

It was getting past 10am when we were starting to get up. I think Daddy Eric got up first and while I didn’t witness who started it, Wayne was orally servicing him on the sofa bed. I felt a streak of jealousy, but I let them have their fun. After they were done, and I was just trying to sleep in, Wayne tries to get smart with me while waking me up. He seems to (conveniently) forget that I’m one of two Doms in his life, he tries to get smart by suggesting ways to get me out of bed in kinky ways. I quip back in a serious tone to not test me and if wants to find out what I will do to him as punishment, to ask my slave in Nova Scotia. This shut him up. I finally get out of bed and dress, so we could go to Joe’s Grill for breakfast. I had waffles with strawberries plus bacon and sausage. Daddy and Wayne chatted a lot, but I kept silent for most of the time. It was becoming apparent to them that I was moody and wondering why I wasn’t engaged. Wayne paid for the breakfast. We walked to the other side of the street but found that The Junction wasn’t open yet for the scheduled Puppy Bowl, so we went to Starbucks by the Sandman on Davie. Daddy and Wayne had iced teas while I had nothing as the breakfast I had was sufficient. Freddie & Claude happened to stop in, so we got to talk but they left soon after to go volunteer at the Puppy Bowl. We spent under an hour before we went back to the Junction. The Bowl didn’t have a big attendance, but I suppose enough. We spent over an hour and then went to the Pumpjack Pub for the Swap Meet. There were a few wonderful things, but I wanted to wait until 4:30pm when they are discounted. On each price tag is the full price of the item but on the back is the discounted price (there is no dollar sign). Wayne bought a nice teal coloured rubber suit with cod piece and even bought me rubber undies that I later found fit surprisingly! As I wanted to wait for a discount on two items, we returned to Starbucks to wait a couple hours. We chatted but I again didn’t say much as I wasn’t interested in the topics Wayne and Daddy Eric were discussing. Daddy left to go visit a local boy/pup and then we went back across to the Pumpjack soon after for the discount. I bought a pair of Wescos Highliner and a single tail whip for almost $300. The boots were my official size (10.5) though they were a little too tight. I had to lug the heavy boots back to the hotel.

Wayne and I puttered around on my laptop watching SF Debris reviews of Star Trek episodes while we waited for Daddy to return. After he did return, we all had a nap. After a couple of hours, he suggested we go to Thida Thai Restaurant on Davie near Bute for dinner. The food was very good, and we split the bill three ways. On the way back, Wayne went to Shopper’s to get some money out an ATM. Back at the hotel, the three of us geared up for the play party. I wore my new chaps and jock besides the rubber shirt I got from North Bound Leather last year and wader boots I bought online last year too. The chaps and jock fit pretty good (thank God!). Wayne wore his new rubber suit and Daddy wore some of his leather - WOOF! We returned to the X-Site Bar & Grill so we could do the coat check again. We had a third volunteer named Roget help us out that night. We immediately noticed that for some weird reason, a section of the back kitchen was blocked off, essentially making even less room for bags than we had the previous night! WTF? It ended up being a lot busier but having the three of us made it a lot easier and faster. Daddy Eric stayed most of the night and got to be put into the rubber cube, even though I couldn't get a picture of it. Wayne got to molest him in it while, you guessed it, I missed my chance to feel him up. Daddy left just before the event ended as we were close to wrapping up. Before leaving, we made $160.10 plus $10US in tips. We asked Roger if he was getting anything out of this and as far as he knew, he wasn’t. So, I determined with Wayne agreeing, that we’d give him $60 worth of tips and he accepted. I saw Andy Cook, the main guy heading the Rubbout weekend, before leaving and he says he will pay the Knights later for our doing the coat check. I thanked him and left with Wayne after 2am. Daddy Eric was already in bed but not asleep yet when we got back to the room. Wayne and I did some cleaning of our rubber before we went to bed ourselves.

In the morning, I was going to snuggle up to Daddy but AGAIN, Wayne comes and sucks/jerks him off while I just lie there on the other end. He didn’t cum that time. After I got up, I wore my rubber uniform while Wayne wore his rubber shirt for the farewell brunch. Daddy Eric came with us to the conference room, but he stayed for only a minute before heading to the massage therapist he met on Thursday. I found there was about 5 or 6 of us wearing rubber for the brunch. I thought I was overdressed! But I got a couple of compliments on my uniform which was nice. The food was okay, and I had two helpings. Wayne and I sat with Mike and his friend. I got no prizes from the rubber duckies on our tables though Wayne won a bottle of Gun Oil rubber conditioner which he gave me. It was too bad I didn’t win as there were three cat suits that they were giving out for free! Rubbout 28 next year will be April 5-7 and it will be done “convention style”. That should be interesting. When we got back to the room and told Daddy Eric after he returned, he was very skeptical toward the convention style direction. I hope it doesn’t compromise his coming next year. Since Rubbout was officially over, I decided that I would drive Wayne home and then continue to Langley with Daddy Eric, so I could take him to Toy Traders as I promised. So, I drove us both to Maywood school and we said our good byes to Wayne. It would be just Daddy and I for the rest of the day. I then drove us all the way to Toy Traders in Langley. Daddy Eric was impressed by the shear size of the store and collection of figures and stuff. I was so sure he would buy something but after a long look at the Pop Figures and Doctor Who collectables, he didn’t buy anything after all! To him, going to the Doctor Who Anniversary convention in England some time ago couldn’t be beat. We debated supper but then I remembered there was an Old Spaghetti Factory in Langley, it was just north of us on 200th Street. So, I took us there and we had an enjoyable time. During the later part of the meal, Daddy called pup Mufasa and I got to talk to him a bit but due to the background noise, I could barely hear him. After I paid for our meal, I then drove us all the way back to the hotel, driving back on the Port Mann bridge and travelling along Hastings Street to get back into downtown. We stayed inside the hotel for the rest of the night. I did some packing while we watched an episode of Gotham, Lucifer, and the series premiere of Krypton. Daddy went to bed about 10pm and I joined over an hour later.

We woke up after 4am but before we got up, Daddy and I snuggled a bit. While I was mostly packed, Daddy still needed to finish off. He had a shower and we left sometime around 5:30am. I put my luggage in the car and picked him up outside after he checked out. After I helped get his luggage in, I drove him all the way down to YVR airport that rainy morning. I got him there just after 6am while his transfer flight to Denver departs at 7:45am. I dropped him off at US departures and we kissed and said our final goodbyes. I then did the dangerous drive from YVR to Montecito for my shift, arriving 7:15am.

I thought Rubbout this year was okay. Certainly, having Daddy Eric around was the highlight but Wayne got more action than I did while I felt excluded playing “the gentleman.” As I quipped to one of my Daddies in Calgary about this during the week, for a long time… I find that I tend to treat my bear and leather buddies respectfully than just sex objects. They are not one-night stands to me - I want a friendship with them with some (at least) occasional intimacy if the situation is right. Deep down, I wished Daddy Eric would have stopped Wayne on Sunday and instead cuddled and be playful with me so that we both got him equally that weekend. Outside of the small cuddling we got Monday, there wasn’t anything more that I got out of the weekend in the play department - from him and anyone else. Daddy Eric and I will likely be meeting again for Dore Alley this July.

personal, bears, canada, rubber, vancouver, leather, events, gay

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