Title: Discern
Author: LearnedHand
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: Whatever the fanfic equivalent of PG is now.
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer is owned by various corporate entities, none of whom would ever have anything to do with me. I am using their characters as crash test dummies to check and see what works and what doesn't
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Comments 12
I'm glad you like the way I voiced Willow. I've used Willow in some stories before, but I've never had her be the center of a story, so I was a little worried about my ability to keep up a consistent voice for her.
In my mental outline of this story, the extra misunderstanding wasn't there. But when I wrote out the list of things that happened at the Summer/Rosenberg apartment, I realized that we had another opportunity for some classic Scooby conclusion-jumping, and I couldn't resist. Plus, I think it helps the story come to a logical end.
Thanks for the FB, and don't worry about not having time to respond to posts. Considering that it's been almost 2 months since I last posted a part of Influx, I figure you're actually doing pretty well by comparison.
And thank you so much for the inspiration.
One of these things is not like the other.
One of these things is different, you know...
Anyway, I'm glad that you think enough of my third part to be inspired to write a fourth part. I presume that Liz is one of your LJ friends, so I'm sure she'll see what you post, but Ray (Wicked Raygun) did ask that I send him a copy of my third part. It'd probably be a nice thing for you to send along a copy of your fourth part, as well, once it's done. I think his email address is on the page for Disbelief that I linked to in the author's notes; if not, let me know and I'll send it to you.
... *cough*... You think you might write more?
That said, if no one else steps up after a while, I could conceivably write something else after this one. Although I did find this to be hard to write, it was enjoyable to stretch my writing muscles a little and do something I wasn't quite comfortable with. Maybe I'll look at this again during the break between Influx and Exodus, which, at the rate I'm going, will be sometime in 2007.
You pulled off the perfect Willow voice. *envies*
Our poor little woobies. *sniff*
I definitely loved the Willow-speak through the whole thing. Nice use of first-person narrative (not one of my strong points).
I love this. I was kind of hoping for something like this as a follow-up. Thanks for granting my wish two years after the fact.
I'm sure you've heard from Lori by now with the fourth part that she just wrote. It looks like the time between parts is shrinking rapidly, from 2 years to less than 2 days.
The great FB from this story must be going to my head, because when I was singing along to Stacey's Mom (by Fountains of Wayne) on the way back to the office today, I started thinking about writing a songfic based on it. Except this would be sort of a filk fic, called Buffy's Mom (natch). Egads, a songfic? Next thing you know, I'll be writing Spander slash.
Um, actually, that'll never happen.
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